And now for your bloodly listening pleasure a SPOOKTALUR preformance...
In a earlier posting this month I said I was listening to a scary HALLOWEEN music compact disc (boy with all the ways to listen to music nowadays, doesn't that seems like old school like listening to a vinyl record from in the late fifties). Well when I found these two spooky HALLOWEEN CDS it was like I just knew for the rest of this month I could only listen to these two. They have spooky sounds and stories on each of them and truly they are not that overly scary once you have listen to them more than one time, I still remember where I got these it was at RITE AID in Richland Washington on George Washington way in nineteen ninety eight when was the last time that I also dressed up to go out and party on HALLOWEEN.What is so super cool about the one on the left titled "FRIGHT NIGHT" is it has the original FRANKENSTEIN story from Mary Shelley or at least a great abridged version of it as to what can fit onto a hour and forty minutes worth of recording time. This same CD has other spooky scary type tales besides the FRANKENSTEIN four parter on it, one such tale is called "THE HAUNTED HICTHHIKER"and there is also "THE BLOOD DONOR" which is just about a hapless kid who hopes to only donate blood for a worthy cause to find out he's the next for the chopping block.The OLD GRAY GOOSE is a little more lite hearted in tone compared to "FRIGHT NIGHT" but not by much.On this they are just scary stories and one very, very,funny song for sure. Here are some of the tracks names "39 steps & the BLUE room, Shipwreck is very haunting as well but, Oscar, the lightheaded pumpkin which is the funny song I mentioned earlier takes the cake. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that if you love to fill your bones with FRIGHTFULLY BONNY CHILLS for the month of October when you invest in your HALLOWEEN decorations and costumes( if your a kid there) OR like me an adult who loves to spice things up when you celebrate any given holiday pick up music inclined to that said Holiday regardless of what holiday it is. Now please go listen to a scary song like say "THE MONSTER MASH" if you can find it that is? Sounds like you could shatter a few eardrums with some wicked musical fun if I could only find some, well these WILL have to be replacement for now I'm afraid ,,, I hope you can focus on the blood smeared path yet once more.....
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