Do you believe in bad luck this month or not: Like step on a crack on the sidewalk and you will break your mother's back, Never let a Black cat cross your path, while going under a ladder, If you break a mirror you will have seven years of bad luck, let us focus on that for a moment shall we? If your angry at all this month and are in the bathroom (Now there are many names for that room call it what you want), your putting on makeup if your a woman, if your a man your probably shaving most likely, but lets use brushing your teeth for this common theme. You're done drying your whole body including drying your hair (that is easy for me since I have none on the top of my head), as your putting your baking soda on your toothbrush (yes that is what toothpaste really is), you notice a piece of the mirror has a chip in it. If your like me you'll think nothing of it really and truly. If your the type of person to be scared of his or her own shadow coming to life and making you switch places with it, Like that happens every other day to you right?, well sometimes I feel that way from time to time and I know it won't happen that I Matt am murdered by my own self or should I say by my shadow self. Unless of course of one or two things would that every happen what are they you want to know right?, but is there a third way as well? YES to ALL three what are the first two then right here is your answers if a certain Friday should happen along this month, or if your getting ready for that big candy night called Halloween, but wait what is that third way right for the other two are believable to a point
here is what the third inquiry say your still in the bathroom and all of a sudden the lights won't turn on, but it is NOT because of a power outage or a burned out light in either case.Your left screaming because you can't see it but you feel a cut on your arm a bloody one for you have just put your fingers on the cut from your other hand, you feel something wet and gooey, so now you know your hurt as you reach for the hydro Peroxide to clean up your cut you feel a sharp pain in your head. You wish that you could see where you are for some reason you just know your not in your own bathroom, for just last week you got new light fixtures at the store. You hear rain outside your window when your bathroom has none that you remember of, and did you just see a bolt of Purple lighting before you felt that cut on you arm? You know you did and why is your head still throbbing like you have the worst headache in you whole life? All of a sudden you wake up in your room looking at your mirrored ceiling and you see that you now have a third eye right in the center of your forehead.....
WILL YOU EVER WANT TO LOOK INTO A MIRROR AFTER THIS here are your shattered fragments

if you dare to go on through with this spooky story, which I hope I haven't scarred you yet.....
1 comment:
How I came up with this story of shattered mirrors was from a great scary story that my Granddaddy Ben Powers told us as kids.It was called RAW HEAD & BLOODY BONES and it just has stuck with me forever.
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