Why is it everyone thinks of Halloween as the night that belongs to the Devil?
Now I just know you may give me a backlash of any kind for thoughts of this subject but hey I do and don't care at the very same time. Why is it that we paint certain holidays as lovely dovey because to me we respect every other holiday for it's very meaning to recall why we love one another, but ol' Halloween always gets the worst outlook and it's not just by religious people and leaders, it's from everyone who is a parent too, or so it seems. I will try and share about this as best I can but, I will also understand if you are to Leary to want to read it. Halloween is given the raw way of being shown as just a night for spirits of the dead to haunt our peaceful place on earth by the one angel whom betrayed God Whom most refer to as "Satan" or his more common known name Lucifer as in biblical wording. Now let me say "I whole healthy agree that when children go out for gathering up their loot candy that they should ALWAYS be accompanied by an adult that they know best. ( I say know best in the sense that NOT every kid has a mother or father around all the time, but most do). It is sad that there are some people in this world of ours who believe in the "Prince of Lies" just one of many given names of Lucifer. I think we all know that in the past three decades that their are grown up who do detestable type of things to the very candy that they give to every little child. I maybe wrong but it could be even longer than this time that such things have been occurring, still every caring parent out there should remember to check every bit of your child's loot of candy for tampering with candy wrappers of ANY SORT. Is there Evil in our world, yes there is on many different levels because it's how you yourself the reader of this precipice it that you can UNDERSTAND IT as well. You know what makes you upset or mad or angry whatever you want to call those emotions that get you relied up, there are many other people you may or may not know who do have NO UNDERSTANDING of what they do with their emotions, but this is because of something known as PRIDE that most don't seek help for it. I believe that if we offer help to those who see their PRIDE as their strength we can elevate not Darkness or Depression in those who are sick with fear from what they are feeling, but we can hopefully strengthen everyone's UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT LOVE IS. Still somewhere out there somebody will want their PRIDE to be their only ANSWER! I DO HOPE YOU CAN SEEK TO HELP A FRIEND OR FAMILY MEMBER YOU KNOW WHO NEEDS HELP IN THEIR LIFE. So I ask for this Halloween please be kind to someone in a helpful way by just lending a ear to hear why they may need help for from their strengthening you as well WILL FIND your own way to walk away from PRIDEFUL DARKNESS ON OCTOBER 31st, ALSO KNOWN AS HALLOWEEN. Here are your pieces for October sixth to wonder about, ,
, I must leave you now I hope your guesses won't kill your brain whilst pondering on this any night this very month.
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