I thought last night's "SMALLVILLE " took a pot shot at Marvel's storyline from a few years ago called "CIVIL WAR"
Hey There all, If your like me and love comic book superheroes and every form of media that they transcend into like video games, original novels outside of their monthly adventures, big movie productions to clothing lines, you'll love this about a medium known as the boob tube and a series on the first superhero ever made. The series I'm referring to is called "SMALLVILLE" , you know that I have mentioned this tv show before here at Day life of the Matt blog site. What you may or may not know is who it centers around in the comic universe of comic book lore of superheroes, well it turns out it center on The Man of Steel better known as the last son of Krypton or simply Superman. Before I share with you the history of the "SMALLVILLE", series let me tell you all that I Matt have been infuriated for over four years time with the other comic publisher who owns that other big comic "S"named superhero and because of this even though I love that said character with all my heart, I feel that the character is destroyed beyond repair to having everyone who is a fan of him hate the whole publisher's line of products. Now let me clarify something here and what that is, is this I personally believe that the publisher had a great idea to reinvigorate the character so that fans can see a very different side to him, but what I and other "LONG TERM FANS of the "S" man DO NOT CARE FOR HOW IT WAS PUT OUT THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE, A SLAP IN OUR FACES WHICH NEED NOT BE TO MAKE HIM (the editor in chief of the Publisher), the only one look like HE came up with the idea on "HIS" OWN. I will share with you my take on that very subject matter in a four part series entitled "How does O.M.I.T. (One Moment In Time), affect the comic character known as Spider-Man?"Now I will be the first to tell you that sure even though I love comic book superheroes and that sure Spider-Man's the ONE that I love the most and wish to relate to the most as well, I know mostly next to NOTHING AT ALL OF THE GRANDDADDY OF THEM ALL the one known as Superman. I really for the most part of my Superman knowledge know about as much as you all do, but just a wee bit more nothing like how I know of say something like STAR TREK or even LOST. Now I must admit a few years ago I did rent the series Pilot of "SMALLVILLE" at the Hastings store in Richland I wasn't to sure of what or how I felt about it at the time I think the series itself was in it's fourth or fifth year on the air. I can say I love the opening song in the opening credits of the show, what "SMALLVILLE" about is Superman before he becomes Superman so in the series it's about Clark Kent with acquiring his powers and knowledge of who he is to become. It is now in it's tenth year and from what I saw in it third episode of the season it made me Matt all the more pissed off at Spidey owners of Marvel comics, why is that your asking right? Back in two thousand six Marvel had a great storyline that affected every hero in the Marvel Universe entitled "CIVIL WAR " but they never truly let it affect the superheroes at all, or at least to myself I should say long enough. In that third episode of "SMALLVILLE" they had the Green Arrow who is another Detective comics super hero , decide to reveal who he really is to the whole world he did it because he chose to do it, what's funny is that during the say that Iron Man forced Spidey to reveal his own secret identity to the whole wide world because he chosen to work with the government rather than oppose it. (This was really Peter's decision without being pushed into by Tony at all he even ask both his wife Mary Jane and his aunt May what they thought of the idea first, ultimately he made the choice himself in the end) , I had been so wowed that Marvel had such a great idea for taking their heroes in a completely new direction with many different takes on how each hero saw each other and their own outlook on life as well and how it affected those closet to them as well. At a website known asComic Vine.com ~ Comic Book Database, Reviews, News, and Forums - ComicVine.com, where I wrote a blog about this very topic I named it "Did SMALLVILLE steel Civil War's Thrunder is what I named it but of course I meant Thunder and so far from other comic lovers on that very site I have gotten twelve responses. Here are some more spooky hunting pieces for you still playing that horror desktop game of bloodly pictures,,, so once again happy or is that brain of yours still BLEEDING from the pieces still given to you from earlier today as well my spooked readers I'd hope so at any rate.
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