December 01, 2012

The Dark Knight promo, END of time revealed and much more , oh deary my.....

Yo ho mighty reader are you ready for a grand fine tale,
  Well even if you aren't ready at all,  I have a few things worth sharing about and it will blast you outta your mind in some parts for sure this I can guarantee with or without a doubt! I mean what could I mean in the title of this by END of time revealed? More on that in a few those who think something will happen very soon will wanna stay right here for everyone's first fear to deal with before a fate of  will life change after the twenty first of the month.....Let's get Crazy first with the final Batman flick that started with BATMAN BEGINS promotional DVD release stuff from a place known as Albertson's Of course you all know I love Batman just as much as I do .the guy who he has crumpled up in his arms 

seen here.The latest one of the newest Batman trilogies did as I said start with the Batman Begins where it gave you the story how he grew to be the Bat protector and not just a rich playboy called Mister Wayne.He dealt with mentor Ra's al Ghul whom was played by Liam Neeson and he fought a fellow known as Scarecrow as well, then  in a bold move to up the anti for it's squeal the writer and director decided to use Bats greatest foe the Joker and have it out with Harvey Dent as known as Two Face in a film that showed Batman's darkness more by having him go by his other grand moniker The Dark Knight. In the comics he became this after "A Death in the Family" storyline from the latter nineteen eighties. It was however comic book creator Frank Miller who first wrote of Bruce Wayne as that name in nineteen eighty six, just before  the above famous killing of the second Robin. On Friday, even though I had already seen it, a few days before T-day of last month on a window panel at Blockbuster when taking care of the garbage I knew what it was even though it was from  

afar.......  At the store we happen to also have window clings which I didn't get to include on the table because well you know? there is a huge poster on vellum that if I had it I don't know what I'd do with it, but we are to wear these buttons
 for the month so I guess it's goodbye to my Amazing Spider-man promo button! Now that I got the whole DKR (Dark Knight Rises) outta the way let's talk about the world ending shall we....on lower right corner of the Dark Knight Rises poster you can see a magazine that says THE END in white writing, right? with the planet earth being hit by a meteor, With that said date of the Mayan Calendar being that something will end life on this beautiful planet called , I really can only say this I know in my gut that earlier this morning at my Men's Breakfast we were ask to pray for someone or something we know needs healing in the way of a out pouring and I just prayed that people know that GOD won't let it all end on the twenty first of the month in a big blasting bang. I do believe that something will happen but it won't be our existence as a race that ends it will be the beginning of a new way of viewing premonition that won't be handed down as only a bad thing fforever! Yet speaking of things not lasting forever let me be honored if you will with the wallpaper I had on my desktop over last month 

, it's from a set of stories told in a book of The Ultimate Spider-Man from the early nineteen nineties The story was titled "Five Minutes" it was taking place on Peter and Mary Jane's first wedding anniversary, it had a guy who was wanting to blow up the subway system and of course Peter went and stop the guy as Spidey, it was written by Peter David whom was penning The Incredible Hulk comics at the time. As to the plate here on the site 

, it seems as if is Mary Jane Watson glancing at a copy of certain boy she will soon come to know a heck of a lot more about named Parker. I really wish the piece was by John Romtia Sr since he was the one who showed us her stunning at the door appearance with those ever lasting first words by Stan Lee for her and you all know what those words were right? well if not here's what she said to a slack jawed Peter "Face it Tiger, You just hit the Jackpot!" it is instead illustrated by the had of a Mister Steve Rude, which I have to say is pretty darn neat since I love his line work on paper.     

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