December 06, 2012

A comic worth being cloned about......

Hello to those wanting to know more about CLONES,
    No I can't in anyway say with this very post that I'm writing more on my own original story know as "Clone of Me" although I really wish I was, but mostly it's very much because I also know I can't live life in a fantastical hope. Yet I am still very much thinking of Mr Ryder and company off and on no matter what all the time. So even to me as well as you there are high hopes for it's epic end at some granted time but what I do wanna speak of is this very comic book that I got last weekend at Adventures Underground when I did pick up 

what I do get as comics these days.Of my comics that I did get this past weekend has been the one that has truly has welted my reading appetite like my need for something healthy from a place called subway. The comic isn't made by Warner Brothers (Detective comics) or by Disney (Marvel Comics) so what that means is this the story and plot aren't confined to needing a crossover with Batman, Superman, Green Arrow, The Joker (those are DC characters nor does it need to be tied with Captain America, Iron Man, Dare Devil, or my all time favorite from that company need I say his name will/would stick with you forever as a clue to who he is (their Marvel owned), no the imprint (publisher here is IMAGE Comics) that are creator controlled released projects. The creator of

  is a guy by the name of David Schulner. What  his Premise is about is a fellow named Luke Taylor who is about to have a baby with his wife Amelia and they are on the run to protect their unborn baby girl from copies of himself. Why do these clones want the baby is still anyone's guess, yet why was Luke taking part in medical experiment in the first place? As far as I know there are at least two clones of Luke in this issue, and by count of the text there's at least ten more as well .....The Art of the book is by an unknown artist to me known as Juan Jose Ryp and I have to say I'm really like what I've seen of his work of when I skimmed through it briefly at the store when I got it on Saturday. Now I know in the past I've talked of reading comics in someway or other again , well superhero ones anyway, but as I've stated before sometimes you just need something all together different than even your own norm.  I will probably read the whole thing tomorrow for sure.Here is what the whole cover of the issue looks like spread out
, boy I hope I can wait even till tomorrow if I'm lucky?....That cover just is to hard not to want treat like a present on Christmas morning!        

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