Believers of faith, here is a follow up from just a couple days ago when I was writing about "Something we ALL have" I posed a lot of different takes of what I was getting to which was FAITH! Now I'd like to share with you how I came about finding mine if that is OK with you and if not I will understand that reading how might strike a cord with you that is upsetting. When I was a young boy in my young mind I always thought that FAITH was defined by your own actions of doing right from wrong in how one would express their feelings toward another human being with a thing called luck of angelical know how, sure by this time I knew about the book called the Bible and the people in it's many stories and I had known a lot about GOD'S Love for us but did I truly know what FAITH was? I can say I knew the word's princpal meaning such as what it stands for in ONE ON ONE basis at least in a small way with everyone I know. Yet even though I've known of it in this way I NEVER HAD put my trust in defining FAITH between Matt and GOD, this really wasn't a problem to me for I knew GOD loves me for HE shows it to me in ways I can't imagine. Then HE gave me a wake up call in a BIG WAY in October 1993, my father's mother Nelle Byrd had gone to be with JESUS, I was so torn up inside but NOT because I hadn't exprinced someone dying before, but because Nelle Byrd and Ben Powers who was my mother's father were the MAIN TWO people I looked at as MY teachers of GOD and HIS WORD. After attending her ferunal services my mom & Chuck were off on another business trip to Russia and I had accompanied them to the Tri Cities airport after seeing them off I was waiting for the Ben Franklin Transit bus sevrice to take me to back to Richland, on that ride I met a young lady named Karen who was studying her Bible. I figured I'd strike up a conversation with her about what it was she was reading, (see at first since I didn't know her I didn't know she was reading her Bible I thought it was just some random book) when we had pulled into Knight street transit center in Richland I felt a lot more at ease with her as I had my grandparents as teachers of understanding of GOD. Karen had told me that she has a Friday night Bible study at her home and gave me a track of "WHERE DO YOU PLACE FAITH IN YOUR WALK OF LIFE?" That day was on a Wenseday I took it home and over the next two days I read it five times, I then went to her home that Friday night and was opened with open arms to a new respect for what FAITH has meaning wise when "WE Choose what choice, WE need for our peace of mind and being"
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