November 06, 2010

Why putting things "into any type of format is very important, no matter what!"

Hey Everybody,
I would like to share something that's very important to the whole planet earth and every soul on it. As you all know I'm still raw emotionally about what has happen to my own father earlier this past week, but I'm dealing with it the best way I know how and that is the most important thing of all. This morning on my walk up to the Cathedral of Joy I was thinking about not only my dad's passing but about one's family tree and other family friends, and friends that have passed on and how empty my thoughts were of some of them in someway or other?, but NOT completely. So here is what today's post Saturday, November sixth, two thousand and ten is about EVERY PERSON should have something to keep track of the events in ONE'S life no matter what you have to keep record of these events on weather it's in a personal diary or a journal close to your heart "Where you kept/keep you darkest secrets" or why your so overfilled with joy for thanks for life on this place called earth". Use every type of tool available to you, so if you don't like writing it down on a piece of paper or the use of the media world wide web of the internet or it's offerings of blogging or whatever form to share yourself with family or friends or even the whole outside world, find a way to record your voice and your thoughts on a old and yes I mean "OLD" as not around anymore type of cassette tape recorder. For I know it may take you a long time to realize this but everything in life is so much shorter than anyone will ever truly know, and if you whoever is reading this wants their family members of future generations to know of you and how you lived your life in your time on this wonderful planet called earth Please for your own sake write everything down and I do mean everything the bad as well as the goodness that happens in your life......for trust one who knows it will matter after you are with your heavenly bound father.

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