February 12, 2016

Matt's DEADPOOL review!

Hello All,
    Just got back from seeing the new Marvel Comics film "DEADPOOL", that stars Ryan Reynolds as the title character. The movie is the first rated "R" for the comic book giant and is for Disney who owns Marvel since August 4, 2009 this is their second "R" rated movie the first was way back in 1983 with the movie titled "SOMETHING WICKED THIS WAY COMES" at least when I saw it on HBO way back in 1984 I thought it was rated "R" and in truth it probably should have been. Yet I just saw on Rotten Tomatoes site that it was rated "PG" anyway this isn't  about a movie from the past anyhoo. It's about this comic book character that constantly break the fourth wall as much as he is just a drawing from an ink pen or pencil on paper. DEADPOOL'S Opening credits are silly as any kid's cartoon that uses off beat terms that kids still simply understand as goofy playfulness Like for exploding example "THE WTRITERS OF THIS STORY ARE HERE", "THE BIG METAL SIDEKICK GUY",  "BAD GUY THAT'S FLIPPING NUTSO" I nearly fell in my seat and choked on a tiny piece of a popcorn kernel. I did happen to see a lot of teenagers with our screening that didn't seem like they were of age to see this movie but times keep changing I guess? I went to see this with my high school art teacher Maureen Mohatt and her sister Colleen Who I known mainly from her shopping at Albertsons. Of what they know of this character I don't think really mattered to them other than they are having a good time with a nice friend that they both know as a nice guy. 
           Enough with my own fourth wall breaks as simple or relaxing as they are...... let's get to the manifold of what a overflow of  Freddy Kruger popping up through this movie as one of Wade Wilson's friend's puts it at some point  Bar bashing a member of the Weapon X project that also created another snarky yet slash'em up as you go character from the X-MEN characters known for the longest time as Simply Wolverine to most comic fans. DEADPOOL is this whack out guy known as Wade Wilson who used to work for the secret branches of the armed force that his work was never known of other than that he found it boring an decided to be a opinionated criminal killer what it boils down to is he will talk you to death rather than just paste you to a wall or if your lucky he might just bless you with both. This movie has the title character like he is in the comics a non stop chatter box especially about well yes you guessed it himself! The one thing that is so neat about this is it even has a camo by Stan Lee in it that is just priceless. I will say this Twenty Century Fox who put out this didn't thank god much it up like they did last year's Fantastic 4 movie which isn't watchable at all. This is one that is for adults only so please if you see this I highly recommend keeping the kiddos at home. I give this one a rating of five Sheep Guns out of five.
         So what is a Sheep Gun anyway???, your asking????, well all that I can tell you is it is DEADPOOL'S favorite choice well like let say how the Jedi and Sith Lords fancy those "Lightsabers" energy sword thingy. You know which side of the saga of Star Wars POOL is on right? think more like he is in his own mindful way  the true version what every fan of Star Wars dubbed Harrison Ford's Han character "A SCOUNDREL" is just the kinda hero DEADPOOL is!        

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