November 26, 2013

Still ever so close yet so of IV

Boy you know there are somethings that I as a fan of Peter Parker wish I could help the world see that sometimes moments like the panel seen here from a Valentine's day special comic of happiness means a lot to the growth of everyone who makes their own moments in life wroth living for and be SUPER in a way. Would you please join both me and the Parker's seen here 
in trying to give hope to every person who tries to be a hero and a princess in the relationship known as a loving marriage, because I'll tell you right now not everyday can be a bed of roses in that way of life real or otherwise! 

Hello everyone, 
   With this very small four part series entitled "Still so close yet so far........" being about what people of all kinds should be thankful for I thought I'd share ONE of my greatest things I 'd love to be most truly grateful for. "IF I were able to actually have it happen." So what could be so high on my ever elusive lists of my many bucket list to dos that is probably NOT going to be achieved, your all wondering or at least I hope you are in a bit of curiousness, well it involves one very big thing I happen to bring up here on the site very often. If you are guessing that what I'm Thankful for has always been in a way "meant to be" your right, but at the same time currently shattered  this very thing has been for the past six years of time. I'm of course talking about the union of two of the greatest comic book characters known as Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson of the Marvel comic universe, I sure you all know when these two characters whom were very reluctant to meet was because they both were afraid of even liking one another, Till Peter's aunt had set up a secret date between Mary Jane's Aunt Anna and from this set of final panels 

of  The Amazing  Spider-Man  number 42 dated 
November,nineteen sixty six, with the title being "THE BIRTH OF A SUPER-HERO!" by Stan Lee and John Romtia Sr. The main body of the lead in to MJ first appearance, consist of Peter as Spidey stopping a bank from being robbed by a pair of crooks, and is seemly blamed for it! Back then, Spidey was very often seen as misunderstood guy weather when he wore his web Jammy or as just good ol clean cut young teenager Peter Parker. Anyway when someone who is a beat reporter for the Bugle tries to let  Jonah Jameson the paper's owner know that he's finally right about the web head for once but can't find the publisher for he is over at Kennedy International airport in a special endeavor of family matters. Those said family matters are in showing his only son John how proud he is of his space career, just as John returns from a very unique mission where he brought back something that not only interest FBI agents but his father later on.....Meanwhile Spider-Man tosses the bank money bag he was seen with into the drink near the Queensboro bridge. His thoughts make him at first seem guilty as all those on seers saw from the opening splash page of this very issue, I have to go find my copy of this one because I believe as he goes to change back to Parker the bag send up a plume of smoke for it has a bomb in it. Like I say through it's been a long while since read this one but I'm pretty something like this did happen. Also in the issue some scientists  study the subsistence of the Russian villain who is only known as The Rhino. It turns out that while on his faithful mission in the great unknown of space John Jameson was exposed to a strange space spore that has given him very strange powers and after listen to his father he decides to go hunting for the wall crawler, even through Peter arrived not long ago at the Bugle to say that Spider-Man was only trying to help in a very dangerous heist of making sure that everyday citizens didn't get harmed.  Soon while lost in thoughts of meeting Anna Watson's niece Spider-Man runs into John Jameson who has been on the look out of for him to do Daddy's dirty work of bringing Spidey in for justice since he doesn't know that Spider-Man has already cleaned the air of what he did in the Bugle earlier that very morning. The two go at it as the feds from earlier come to help care for John and get him properly check out for what more those Space spores did to the great astronaut hero. Then comes the moment Peter's been dreading dinner on Sunday evening at his aunt's friends house, and that all that leads into the final page of issue forty two, seen up above. Now of course I don't have to tell you that Stan Lee himself admits that he loved writing Mary Jane's dialogue with more pizazz than he ever did for the girl since here with 
the name of Gwen. In fact after Stan had left the writing to other writers they too knew that Mary Jane and Peter were grand together that in fact one writer just decided it was time for Gwen to bite the cobweb of Spider history in nineteen seventy three in Amazing Spider-Man number one hundred and twenty one. That same writer tried to mend things for the readership but a year and half later. Still with this end page 
from the impact of Gwen's demise showed just how strong Mary Jane Watson as a character changed into a more than just a friend to Peter. Many years had gone by and many stories were told of Peter and Mary Jane's on again off again dating as friends till the summer of nineteen eighty seven when two years before Stan Lee whom was writing the amazing spider-man newspaper strip came to the Marvel offices and told them "THAT IT'S TIME THAT PARKER TAKES THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO IT NEXT EVOLUTION" Marvel then in the spring of nineteen eighty six had this memo tacked to 

every book writer's desk of the five main Spider-Man titles. Which as you can see is the BIG "M word", marriage . There was from the beginning  a HUGE disdain by some fans at first, then some who were they couldn't care less in the world about it as long as the stories continued excitement in someway or other, and finally there were fans who did appreciate the whole change altogether. Myself I have to say when I first heard of it was really and truly like one of the second group of people that I listed above here. So officially after that two years of set up because you see when your writing a newspaper comic strip you only have three panels to tell your story, which is very different from a whole monthly comic book where you have twenty two pages for a story. At any given weight as I was saying before Stan had the newspaper arc set to be timed for the BIG HAPPINESS WEBBED  STICKY EVENT in June of nineteen eighty seven, which was when this annual 
came out. When the regular monthly books which that time were at issue numbers 294 for Amazing, 135 for Spectacular and for Web of Spider-man  27  things were looking great for the creative teams of each book, especially Amazing Spider -Man which had a fellow by the name of Todd McFarlane doing the art and since he himself was newly married at the time really made moments like this one
from Amazing Spider-Man # 317 that featured the return of Venom since issue # 300 with tender loving moments. The writers did everything they could to keep the fans happy by at times but very rarely had a Spider-Man story have some friction at times, this was because behind the scenes, the  editors decided to try everything in their power to decimate the marriage that even fans who hated it had come to have it grow on them as well the first story that was the opening to the end of the marriage  was in the mid nineteen nineties, it was titled "PURSUIT" which was a four part series in which Peter has his parents who were thought to be dead but somehow alive turn out to be robots that are killed by the late son of the original Green Goblin known as Norman Osborn his son Harry now deceased at this time as well had played his best friend Parker for the worst joke ever. Then started the first attempt to kill the marriage with the return of Peter's long lost clone from back in the mid nineteen seventies. The story was known as yes if your a true Spidey fan you know what I'm going to say right? "The Clone Saga" Marvel had high hopes of replacing the married guy with a single version of himself, which only made things worst because they gave Peter and Mary Jane a baby that even though she didn't exist within the regular Marvel time line she had quite her own following up until 

early two thousand and four. Then Marvel went and in the mean time had the start of their  movies from in early two thousand with the break out hit X-MEN by director Byran Singer which was what had pulled Marvel out of completely filing altogether for chapter eleven bankruptcy since nineteen ninety six at the end of that year Marvel brought on as it new chief of editorial of the whole brand a fellow named Joe Quesada. He went and with the release of the SPIDERMAN 3 film by Sam Rami in two thousand and seven  put into motion his way of dealing with the Spider-Man marriage since he HATED IT, with yes that's right "ONE MORE DAY" with writer J Michael  Stracyynski who refused to have his name associated with what he had worked so hard to rebuild since he started on the second volume of The Amazing Spider-Man with issue number twenty nine which came out in May of two thousand and one with his story called "Coming Home". Throughout his run he tried looking at the animal sides of the hero and whatever villain he faced each month, but one thing Stracynski did better than any writer before him concerning the marriage he penned it like they truly cared about each other do as if they were flesh and blood people not just made up fictional characters. Stan Lee even went along with Peter and Mary Jane being single from the beginning of January of two thousand and nine till the fifth month of that year in the daily newspaper comic strip and on Memorial day well have a look for yourself.
Stan Lee had made it seem as if the whole past months till this point was can anyone say "uh didn't I see this on a famous running television series that started with the letter "D"_ _ _ _ _? Still even with all of what one man's distaste for ever growing change for a world wide hero that children of all ages look at to being how life could be lived I feel so darn sorry for Queasda not because he's saying you can be a hero to by making bad choices in one's life, but because as long as he keeps doing this mandated "Kids want only action from comics and never a true ever growing story that continues to bring in maybe a new generation of readers who like or love the characters because they do relate to every part of my life." With Thanksgiving but only a few days away I don't think I'm the only one who would love to see some return of Peter Parker the hero and not Peter Parker the villain for making a deal with the devil because "IT'S FORCED TO BE THAT WAY". I'm sure that when Marvel does get a editor in chief that knows you have to show all sides of every character in a different light and keeps the stories flowing in any direction will they get more than just a peek from this long time fan!                            

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