November 21, 2013

More from that ominbus book..........

Hello everyone, 
If you all recall a few months back I had a chance to show you one of my many coffee table sized books. It is a cute collectable without a doubt mainly because of it's very cover seen here, 

what is truly neat about it's cover is how it resembles the famous image from sometime between nineteen twenty nine thru nineteen thirty one when the construction of the Empire state building began 
, it's name if you go searching for it is known as "Lunch on a skyscraper" if you don't wish to grab it from here. There is but ONE BIG LITTLE DIFFERENCE, can you spot it if the cover to "THE ABSOLUTE ULTIMATE GUTTERS OMNIBUS VOLUME 1" if it were not blurred? I'm sure you will try at any rate. What by the way is with there being "More from title, of this very post when it's the first huh?, say what? I just remember saying when I had put it into the post known as "INTO THE ZONE" I had may a promise of course to show you some bits of fun from it. So here is a funny take on Wolverine's origin 

cover. Since she is is a funny lady of comedy and as yet nowhere near death as far as we know yet this is great for those who wanna know more about the feisty lady known as B. White, or at least gives any comic collector a chance of thinking picking up the actual comic title itself.   


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