January 03, 2012

Why do I feel like Rosco when I look at today's strip & a bit of a Star wars Villain's passing in sorts....

Hey out there in the place known as the Blogosphere,
I gotta say this early morning when I saw today's strip of Spidey's newspaper adventure I had a roaring hoot of laughter flow from me I nearly cried. I had also heard that a part of the "Man in Black" No not the Johnny Cash movie or song title
by the way, had a sad passing today in part of the many people who played this

ventilator breathing fellow from the Star Wars saga. Better known as Darth Butter nah really it's Darth Vader that I'm speaking of, of course?, but more on that in a moment or to. Right now I wanna say a few words of how awesome Stan Lee is just because he is, and the mentioning of classic Detective Comics leading heroin Wonder Woman who is now back in her classic look as seen here

where she seems to be tossing herself out of a match with herself. ( if you wanna know more about that outfit change up checkout "Wonder Woman Stripped of her American Flag look, posted back in July two thousand and ten) the two bit hood that is talking to both Thor and Mary Jane Parker has got the best bit and once again Stan shows us something that Marvel comics flatly refuses to admit THAT the SPIDER-MARRIAGE (so sorry for being on my soap box again about the very topic) is very much a work in the greatest growth of a pair of characters who makes no deal with no devil to make that said character more relate able to kids only because kids think being married is well in a child's eye something to never be understood because they don't need to see or witness that part of life in their idols of heroes mainly mom or dad. Stan as I have shown here before has taken heroes from that other comic universe many times and brought more recognition to all comic heroes. Which is needed to boost the comic market as a whole right now anyway, as far as what I've heard from people I know who are collectors like I once was, wish I could be again but I know I got to be more ready for any given day when it should come. As for who is Rosco your asking right? he was the county sheriff played by James Best who is on the other side of John Schneider's Bo Duke character seen here
he had a laugh a line that any fan of Dukes of Hazzard got. You know the one I talking about when he got excited "I love it, I love it Police works my life, I love it, I love it" I am so glad that at least Peter Parker's co creator respects his fans by showing that Mary Jane is a very strong character when push comes to shove.
Now on to the Vader part of what I had happen to of learn about today is a part of him is deceased as of two days ago. It will surprise you that this person wasn't David Prowse who was the actor who played the part of Anakin Skywalker father of Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia from in the original Star Wars films hasn't died neither has the man with the booming voice James Earl Jones hasn't passed on yet either, although that's all anyone really knows who played the Lord of the Sith in those movies right? Well here's a stunner for you there was a stuntman named Bob Anderson who did the sword fighting sequences of the light saber dueling, in Star Wars V the Empire Strikes Backs and Star Wars VI Return of the Jedi, he did on New Years day passing away at the age of what Stan Lee himself just turned eighty nine.

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