January 18, 2012

Dumped on by the "White Stuff"

Brrr it truly freezing outside,
This has been on the weather monitor for quite the pass few weeks now. It is st
ill coming down to even as I try to bring out the words to describe the pure ice that is seen here: , , , .
I just know from hearing the roar of the snow plows at four fifteen (I'm not really sure if that was the right time , but for sure it wasn't much longer till I just couldn't close my eyes) this morning. It's going to not only be HARD,
to work at pushing the carts at Abertson's through the "White Stuff" it will be ever so bad if the wind will be blowing even more of it around as it will I am sure certain will continue to come down through out the whole day. I am sure that every kid was excited to hear that they can't go to school for a couple of hours, they maybe even some who got to stay home all day and play in the "White Stuff" . If two kids I know had happen to of got that chance I DO HOPE they made a couple of snow angels, or whatever else they could come up with to do with the snow. I myself plan on something after work if I'm not to exhausted (see the snow plows or city sweepers) woke me up at a little after four thirty in the morning, so I'm sure I'll try to have fun with the "White Stuff" too....

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