December 10, 2011

A very interresting Holiday Mystery finally solved?

Hey there,
Well where to start with this Holiday mystery is that I think that even the gang seen he
,would think a problem was on the rise this year much like I had been guessing at myself in some way or other? yet even they wouldn't have to look for a person hiding under a sheet or using a movie camera to try to scare them off for a clue at all! Here is the only clue that anyone wanting to read this needs to know one of the MAJOR charities that has a RED kettle that anyone can put loose change into? That is right the answer is the Salvation Army organizers have for this year during the month with a Turkey on the fourth Thursday of that month not been around our town known as the Tri-Cities. I for just wanting to know where they were so far, I went and asked my store director Cliff if he had heard anything at all so far? Just on Thursday this week. He said "I have been in contact with them via telephone calls but I don't know as yet either as to when they will start for this year. But your so very right they usually are already ringing their bells by now. For those wanting to know the Salvation Army is one of many organizations that is there to help even the poorest of people that have nothing at all. The Mystery was without a doubt answered yesterday by me for my own inquiring at a little after two pm. I am so glad and thankful for ALL organizations that are out there regardless if it is a Holiday or not.

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