December 17, 2011

The famous red and white suited guy with some cool kids

Hello Santa picture seekers or at least wishing to get a pic with ol saint Nick,
Last night right after I got off of work I called Kathie my sister in law to ask her if she would like to bring Cannon and Heidi my brother's kids over to Albertson's to have a photo session with the famous toy maker fr
om a filling sense of the season, better known as Santa Claus. She asked me all the right questions such as "What time does it start?, or Does it cost any money for the pictures after they are taken?" I had the answer to both said questions "Which were at noon to three and by donation" she told me Heidi had a birthday party she was headed to at one but outside of that she saw no problem with the plan. So at eleven fifteen I went to Subway had a light lunch and waited for them at Albertson's with a few surprises that they didn't know I was bringing. When they got there which was about ten after noon I had already found out where Santa was set up as I was waiting for Kathie to get her kids some lunch I had shown both Heidi and Cannon where Santa was set up along with revealing my surprises which was a Santa themed holiday hat for each of them while having a time with Santa. Here's Cannon's turn
with ol jolly Clause. He had chosen my "Santa stuck in the Chimney" hat to wear for his posing time. Heidi herself had chosen my "Elf ears cap" hat for her styling time with
Santa. Kathie had then using my digital camera took this shot of me p
osing with the kids and Santa and his elf

and after getting these photo with Santa Kathie had shared with me that she much more appreciated this photo op instead going to the mall with them and never being able to have but those where she can't share them with family as easy because of copyright law and she knew her donated monies were going to needy families. So all in all, I think we both got a little something out it because I wanted a family photo with the kids as well. Also one last thing we were Santa's first posers which made Heidi's day for sure since she wasn't wanting to miss that birthday party.

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