August 05, 2010

One of my favorite Christain songs that really brought me back to GOD

Hey there everybody,
I'm pretty sure that as anyone who likes any kind of music and that has been here to this blog site knows without a doubt I'm really just a BIG KID at heart. I'd love to say that out of all of my Christian music CDs that I have a certain favorite one but I'd be fibbing in a bad way if I did. Yet of all the songs that I do have that are Christian related one song I can tell you has always been my favorite one and yes it does fit my way of looking at the world if you really wanna know too. From what I recall when I first had heard this song was just shortly after my granddad's passing I had for about a year and a half been attending a Friday night bible study at someone home in the city where I live. One thing I am sure of was at the time I didn't really know of Christian music radio stations all that well for all truth being told. One Friday night when one of my rides was taking me back home I heard it or perhaps that was the second time I heard it, the first time I heard it I was shaving getting ready for work at Alby that's short for Albretson's , all I can recall of this tune was ScoobyDooya and Yabbha Doha Dooya mostly. I came a few weeks later to know that the song was called "Cartoons" by a fellow called Chris Rice. I'm pretty sure GOD would find a way with this tune to bring me closer to him if I am to lost in my own way of thinking to bring me back to understanding LOVE is what MATTERS MOST on our little place called home.

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