August 13, 2010

Does today's date frighten you?

Did anything weird or strange happen to anyone who reads this very blog?, I'm asking this because did you look at the calendar. Today's date is very interesting for if it were to happen two months from now in October anyone who has a sense of fear of superstition that someone is following you in unknown ways (mostly being your shadow let's says) or if you step on a crack on the sidewalk would you break your mama's back, or says a black cat crosses your path would you have bad luck all the rest of this day? These are just a few things everyone may feel giddy about, but does it truly mean anything bad will happen to you, NO NOTHING BAD WILL EVER HAPPEN TO YOU on this date, unless you think or believe it will. So is this the only FRIDAY THE 13TH for the year of two thousand and ten the answer to that is yes! I hope you do enjoy today even if at times you do feel nervousness just because you think you should but the best way to get over that would be to pop in a scary DVD movie into your DVD player and just laugh to yourselves till you cry.

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