June 18, 2010

A guess to what movie on DVD I wish to have next?

Hey Movie watchers or DVD collectors,
What movie have you seen in movie theaters of late?, the last one I saw was Mr.Macho in the above strip talking to Peter Parker's belove
d wife Mary Jane Watson Parker. Yes I have seen ol shellhead two times already. As to what I have seen on DVD lately was the original Star Trek episode of "Space Seed" which eventually led to the second and still best of the original series motion pictures known as the Wrath of Khan.
No this isn't about any kind of a TREKKING movie or history I have a very transporting type of post for that, (coming very soon). I have also of late been watching that seventies series about a fellow known as Jack who has to pretend to be gay to live with two girls known as Chrissy & Janet, then I have also been watching two car series from the nineteen eighties.But this isn't about any DVD series including the other show that J.J. Abrams thew to the public before "LOST" in the early part of two thousand and two Known as "ALIAS". This is in fact about a little movie that I was eying interest in on the Thursday before I had my seizure on the following Saturday morning at Cathedral of Joy during the Men's fellowship breakfast. I was looking at the DVD display rack at Albertson's where I work, thinking of getting a DVD of a different than my normal kind of a Science fiction, or cartoon type of movie when I was asking someone I know about the one I was taking interest he said for him "It seems way to Cruchy for his taste" which got me to thinking this is a way to help people find a way to God if they really wanted to without being forced into going to any church unless they wish to of course. It also reminded me of the DVD I got my sister in law Kathie a few Christmases ago, right off the top of my head I can't remember the DVD's title but I do remember it starred Christian singer Micheal W. Smith as a man who was trying to get a whole community to believe in Faith in our heavenly father in helping him save a old church because the city officials now want to tear it down. Now I just gave you a little clue to this new DVD title of sorts I got today and want to see soon, in the way of rereading the synopsis of that film I gave my sister in law a few Christmases ago do you think you can find the title in a way? Let's join a friend of mine named JOSE, who will spin the DVD Display around at Albertson's to find a little or a lot of Faith for himself ? Wait this may take a while for him to do so I just tell you the title of this new Churchy DVD it's simply known as. Now that I'm also thinking about it, I want to again sometime soon in the future find that Christmas DVD I gave to My sister in law. And yes it did take me a little while to remembered it's name but I finally did and in a internet search I found it. I also know I can get it at the WAL-MART near me.


Nancy Watson said...

Matt, I got a busy signal on your phone and decided you were on the internet. I checked your blog and what do you know...I was right. Hope you enjoy the DVD when you get it..

Merri said...

Hey, we actually have this title! It's in our stack of "Must Watch After Joshua Gets Home" DVDs. (only 2 more days!!)

We also have AND love, Fireproof and Facing The Giants. I highly recommend them both.

Thanks for sharing your post!