September 16, 2023

Whatever am I planning for National Batman day this year?

Hello everyone,                                                                                                                                            So without any doubt I know that earlier today I shared about my adventure of going to Adventures Underground to see what I could find there in the way of celebrating the second oldest comic book superhero ever. Yes of course there were comics even before April eighteenth, nineteen thirty eight known as Action Comics #1, with a cover date of June nineteen thirty eight an features the work of Jerry Siegel and Joseph Shuster who had created a hero by the name of Superman. 
The publisher of this comic book at that time was known as National Allied Publications... they like the other main major comic company known as Marvel had other names than what they are called today which is Decetevice Comics. The company was started in nineteen thirty five with their founder Major Malcolm Wheeler Nicholson,  which was very much like (Timely Comics), Marvel's first known name founder Martin Goodman.  At one point before they were using the name of Decetevice Comics or they had a comic titled Decetevice Comics, they called the publishing company Decetevice Comics as far back as nineteen thirty seven. As to when the company started publishing the title of Decetevice Comics itself was in either November or December of thirty seven... yet it wasn't until two years later did again the company had it's second biggest property in comic form known as the Batman who was created by writer Bill Finger and illustrator Bob Kane in issue Decetevice Comics issue 

        seen here. The title of the first Batman story is "The case of the Chemical Syndicate".                                                            Earlier today on Facebook I had talked about it being National Batman day on my main page there with this image 

that I took this morning while watching a couple of episodes of the classic Superman series called Adventures of Superman. I did eventually end up heading over to my local comic book store of Adventures Underground, I saw besides it being National Batman day the store was having a great sale outside of the store with not only a lot of newer comics that they had an overabundance of but also some used novels of all kinds of genres, as well they had DVDs and Blu-ray movies in that sale. Yet I can't say that I didn't at least take a little peek at it all before going inside the actual store.  While on the bus ride over there even though I haven't done it since Waaaay back this last May, I went and changed my wallpaper on my phone for today in honor of Batman day is by Spawn creator from Image comics Batman story known as Batman Year Two, it was published in Decetevice Comics issues # 575 - #578 in June of nineteen eighty seven to October nineteen eighty seven,  back in that very same year that artist was working on #576-#578 his future character at Marvel comics gets Married in Amazing Spider-Man annual # 21. Do you know what that artist name is yet? Well it is okay if you don't and that is alright, but here is what I have on my phone at the moment  
                                                                                                             is the last page of the four part arc of Batman Year Two with "Bats" (one of his many nicknames), swinging on one of his grapple bat ropes through the upper part of his city that he protects known as Gotham!  Yet I still haven't decided on my topic in detail of writing completely from the end of the month of MAY/JUNE of twenty twenty three... but it will be coming around at some eventual point!                                                         Before I end my over view  of how National Batman day went for me, I want to not only show you what I got in my Batman given loot in the way of a haul, I want to let you  know  that all but  the Batman/Superman trade up above will be having their own reviews coming very soon. As to what was in my mentioned haul from today was this.      

Two copies of The Amazing Spider-Man volume 6 (2018 to current) #33/927 the higher number on the right is the uninterrupted numbering since the title began in nineteen sixty three, the current issue of Moonlight #27,  The Captivating Adventures of Maskerade #7, What If Ms Marvel #1, then The Batman who laughs trade, Batman Arkham Talia Al Ghul trade, the Batman & The Joker The Deadly Duo the deluxe edition hardcover, a free Batman day edition of issue 1 of that mentioned hardcover, and a Batman day free comic of the prelude Batman/Catwoman the Gotham war, which is the current story going on. Then finally off on the far left by the amazing spider-man comic is a novel called Empty souls living beyond your grave,  I went and talked to the author Juanita R. Vedder  about why she wrote the book and felt very humbled of our conversation. As to what else I am doing for Batman day is probably will be watching one of the many Batman movies that I have or watching the Adam West Batman series but who really knows with how late it currently is... Happy National Batman day to you all and enjoy your way of Bruce Wayne's day too...


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