June 30, 2022

A comic trade know as

Hello comic loving public and those in need of great fun at the end of the first month of Summeof twenty twenty two,                                                                                                               Well here I  am again with a generous rewarding effort to getting you my wondering and interesting readers who feel like you are missing something from the site of some fascinating works of wordplay I may have that's for you? Yes I am once again talking about books or in this case a set of individual stories that are in the trade known as what is shown in my couch with my Spider buddy   
seen here. I have to let you know that since as of October of last year, I have been part of a online community related to comics called Comic Book Corner 2.0 Web-Heads Unite. The site owner has a YouTube website where he talks of many different comic topics including weekly new releases. He has a combined site with a couple other friends who are interested in comics like he and I are,  and Tuesday night at 10pm Eastern Standard Time they reveal their thoughts on what they have currently read over the past week on a show called Comicbook Weekly also searchable on YouTube.  
                                  Well back when Decetevice Comics went and had started going and making all of their heroes being defined by each one's sexual preferences instead of them saving the world, the one book of DC comics that I reviewed was SUPERMAN SON OF KAL-EL number five last November was when I had picked up my introduction to The SLIVER COIN series with the issue   

seen here on my coffee table. It happens to be issue number seven.  I had picked these actually in early December of twenty,  twenty one. I will eventually get to those as soon as I get a chance to decide what it is that I know I want my comic reviews of 2021 to be listed as so anyone can just find it very easily.                                                                                                Now that I have given you a back history of how it all came about for yours truly of getting into "THE SLIVER COIN" series, I know that overall you would love to find out what my thoughts on it as a whole is?, of that I am certain of!  The Silver Coin series is very much an ongoing set of stories in the vein of "A PENNY FOR YOUR THOUGHTS" of the classic television series known as The Twilight Zone. I will eventually get around to making a review of Each Original episode of the zone but for right now let's flip into the first issue of this ongoing comic anthology.                                                                                      Here are the covers to issue one of the sliver coin   

, so why are there actually two variant to the first print you are asking? well that goes all the way back to the nineteen nineties when Decetevice Comics and Marvel comics realized to get the most versions of an important character's title to reach more masses of comic readers they would put out a slightly different image on that very venturous go around to sell the said book even more efficiently so. Then a month or two later they came out with a second print cover like the one seen here       

             for the silver coin. The title of the first story is "The Ticket" by Chip Zdardsky. It is about this upcoming band who is trying to make it big in their home town local bar. When one of the members finds the coin amongst the guitarist stuff that his mom had left him. The band starts getting a lot better overall.  The bar owner is able for them to get signed to a large recording studio. Then of course Ryan the guitarist, gets in over his head when he's feels forced into playing with the town's other local musicians known as "Disco Hits"     

 ,  that he without knowing it brings the house down on everyone in attendance.  The second  issue's story in this trade is known as "Girls of Summer" by Kelly Thompson.  In this one, a young girl named Fonia ends her upcoming end of summer by attending a summer camp. When she arrives she finds all of the other gals she's bucking with don't want to care about her, even when taking part in the camp activities they grind her to her emotional lowest.  When she finds a cabin in the woods she finds the coin in a sword and is attacked by a unknown person! Fonia finds that when she finds her so called friends were....     
 murdered! Was it Fonia whom did it? Maybe or Maybe not! But in these first two issues I have noticed something that I will get to at the end of this very entry.                                                                                                                             The third issue of The Silver Coin is by Ed Brisson and is titled "Death Rattle." Three teenagers named Victor,Bobby, and Lisa have just killed a old man in his own home while attempting to just rob him. As Lisa grabs a plaque with the man's name on it she hears a onimibus voice that freaks her out, she tells her friends of what she just heard and Bobby shares his knowledge of the after life, Lisa says it's nothing like that of what she can describe it as. Victor sets 
     the house on fire. 
Lisa, while with her friends tries to get away from the authorities has found the coin but doesn't want to believe that it is possibly controlling her...
In the next issue the title is numerous all the way around and is "2467". This arc is truly for fans of cyberspace or even blade runners vein of fun. Officer Colten Dudley is chasing a group of punks that are dealing with existence by knocking over citizens by dealing with them in a violent situation. One of those punks gets lost in the underground city and she finds the coin and upload it to devote a significant impact of getting her way with dealing with her personal law problems... It is scribbled or scrambled by Jeff Lemire!                                                                                                               The fifth and final issue of The Silver Coin trade is known as "Covenant". In this one a  woman named Rebekah Goode is an animal doctor around the fifteenth or possibly the sixteenth century and a priest whose a witch hunter  named Cotton Dudley.  Dudley convinces the whole village of where miss Goode resides that he can rid them of Goode because of him being able to bring authority of law to the village by his being their community leader to God. As to if  everyone in the whole village believes him isn't completely clear... when he tries to retrieve the Coin it has him facing Rebekah in the afterlife... it is penned to paper by Michael Walsh, who provided colors for each story of the series till this point.                                                                         So what is my overall opinion of this series called THE SLIVER COIN as a whole, well as I did mention earlier in this very post this series seems to be very much like the Twilight Zone from the late nineteen fifties.. where when you had gotten through a episode you didn't see a twist coming? The Silver Coin comic series has that given feel of that for anyone who has the Coin has mostly good things possibilities when they find it... but at some eventual point in that person's life and the people they know have very bad things end up occurring to all parties involved, especially to the very one who has it. I want to say that so far from what happens in each story so far I have noticed that all of them have a bird in them that might have a connection to the Coin and how it moves (Maybe or Maybe not through as Rod Serling would say in some opening narration of the Twilight Zone "You are traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight or sound but of mind: a Journey into a wonderous land  whose boundaries are that of imagination. Your next stop
 the Twilight Zone". Season four's opening by the way, is the closest to describing how the bird places the coin close to his sight. Speaking of sight it seems when the Coin is making a use of it's power it opens like this 
around the etched cross on the center of it. Does the coin posses someone specific that has a dark/ corrupt soul that feeds it existence who's to really know? This is a very interesting horror driven anthology format because each issue is written by a different comic writer every month. All that I can say is that because it has both violence in it and cursing in it as well, this series isn't for children under the age of evelen. As to what do I have as a grade for the series... a very high ranking of an A plus so far...
As to how did our other reviewer Spidey handle this overall, well maybe this might                                                             

                                          shed some light radioactive or otherwise on that very venturous question? 

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