May 26, 2020

Finally I have a new baby to talk about.....(no it's not what you are thinking?)

Hello comic lovers of all ages,                                                                                     If you're a regular visitor to this very blog you know that besides everyday life that I the creator of "Day life of the Matt", try to engage my readers with the hopeful need to learn the best out of our journey of existence and again I am hopeful that by the end of this very entry that I as much as you can have an opportunity to spread something very encouraging worthy to be read by you who want enriching enrichment of a very interesting subject that speaks of ways to learning about new ventures gradually gained for your mind. Today I want to talk about a comic novel that I have ordered from a comic company that calls itself Comicsgate. I know that I have said that most comics of mainstream ones from Detective, Image, Marvel and other smaller publishers have for the time being because of the world wide pandemic known as Covid-19 has put all of the world's current hope for innovation on hold because right now we don't understand it's beginnings other than it being something that is new to our every day lives. Yet the distribution of all mainstream comics has been put on hold because Diamond the ordering warehouse has put a hold on shipping all comics to comic shops throughout the United states.                                                     Comicsgate is a company that like IMAGE lets creators own their creative creations. The main one that I can tell you that I have become very interested in is Ethan Van Sciver's character called "CYBERFROG" seen here 
 and like Todd McFarlane, Van Sciver started Cyberfrog very early in his career like Spawn for McFarlane when both started drawing for comics before either made it big in mainstream comics for either DC comics or Marvel comics respectively. The only other Van Sciver work that I have is his work with Geoff Johns called "FLASH REBIRTH", which he did the art for. Back in twenty eighteen I had found out on YouTube that Ethan was restarting his career starting character with a crowd funding campaign called Cyberfrog Bloodhoney. I found myself wanting to follow the campaign even though I didn't want to participate in being a backer for getting it.                                                                                   When earlier this year in January, I saw the reviews of Cyberfrog Bloodhoney on YouTube I knew that from his current Cyberfrog titled book that I wanted to back it and so I did at it's highest tier. As I have said before that the main reason I put comic collecting on true hold is because of a forced story by Marvel comics editor in chief Joe Quesada called One More Day for the Peter Parker character of Spider-man lore. Yet all in all, I could not give up on the Marvel comics because of a movie that was called IORNMAN that kept me going with my loving addiction of collecting  and at the same time I expanded out into looking beyond Marvel comics as well and went into Detective comics and even other independent publications too.                                                So since I have been following Ethan on his YouTube channel I have found myself backing a few more comics from Comicsgate the one that I want to talk about here is seen here 
 called as you can see VESTIGE, which I originally ordered back on May tenth, twenty twenty on INDIEGOGO website where Comicsgate comics can be purchased. Ethan while recently talking about his latest project Cyberforg Rekt planet he went and sold me on VESTIGE by saying it's got not only a western style parts of story elements but it has of course one thing that I can't ignore a bit of the Twilight Zone is in this that made up my mind about getting it besides it having Ethan's art on the cover, mine also came with a poster by Van Schiver of the character called  Mathilda Klein. Here is a short video of me opening the comic             
                          I do hope that the story is going to be grand as Ethan says.... I am certain that either way I will find a reason to love it as I have all of the comics that I have read in the past. I know that I truly fooled many of you with my title of this post in the way of me possibly being a daddy, well no I am nowhere near ready for that kind of excitement and with the world full of great inspiration already maybe I can love another human being but comics are far better for me that I know of.

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