March 23, 2016

Oh why are most Star Trek novels no matter what so.....

Hey there all,
  Hello  and welcome back to my very last day of being four hundred and thirty years old, now in truth to you all of my good friends that read this, know that I'm over the top about tomorrow being my Birthday in less than three hours away... yet that is still a little way off till then so what do I wanna talk about till then, let's just say this very book that I'm seen here

,holding.It is titled STAR TREK THE ORIGINAL SERIES ," FROM HISTORY'S SHADOW", it is by a gentleman named Dayton Ward. Now before I get into the whole tale within a tale of this one I want you to know I was going to watch the main episode that this event was pinpointed to within the Star Trek universe. An still I know that something would be really missing if I didn't say that I wanted to read this because of my step brother's Lyle Watson's passing from a couple of years ago in September 13, 2014. I will do my best to honor him with this very review as best I can since he was one of many Star Trek fans who read some of the given novels published by Pocket book press. All that can truly be said of Lyle was that he was into many things especially like myself, he loved a good novel or shall I say we  both loved reading speculative literature. As well back in the days after the animated Star Trek series in late nineteen seventies the creator Gene Rodenberry had very strong concerns about narratives outside of his own, so he was really protective of his baby when Pocket Books came to him with having other storytellers writing Trek fiction and also it was something in his connection to CBS studios that he was protecting as well or so I have read a long time ago before starting of  this very blog.   It was in this  
,very book seen here. Now let's get back into this one by mister Ward, This novel is full of fair characterization for the main starship that every Star Trek fan has come to love, and a few of the author's own characters seem at least more than cardboard cutouts standing on a page full of words from a time traveling journey that would have only of been two years old if not for true fans whom like their fandom to be known as "TREKERS" today, in the past they were known as TREKIES but like this book tale it provides a deeper insight into the episode called "ASSIGNMENT EARTH" from nineteen sixty eight. It picks up a week later after the event in the year 2268, now you maybe wondering how the story has a set timeline huh?, for if you are a true TREKER you know without end that "ASSIGNMENT EARTH " did not have a star date which is how we the viewers could know the results of what the Enterprise crew found during it's five year mission of humanity's earliest opportunities of experiencing discoveries in the outer heavens of space. The answer is that you can watch the first two seasons of The Original Series of Star Trek and pinpoint from watching each episode from "THE MAN TRAP" to "ASSIGNMENT EARTH", and listening to the captain's log of each episode, or you can find the information in books like 

this one. Which happens to be my own personal copy of everything within the course of the Star Trek history of production till the end of year five of ST: Voyager. The Answer of when Star Trek the original series "FROM HISTORY'S SHADOW" stars is in the year 2268, and Kirk and his crew find a pair of two time travelers one of which is much like Mister Spock a Vulcan known as Mestral  the other a Certoss named Gejalik. Whom I think her race is from the "Star Trek Enterprise", series I don't really know for sure? So the story has a lot of  flashbacks to other key episodes from the first season of Star Trek itself most note able are "Tomorrow is  Yesterday" and "The City on the edge of Forever", it also has one Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode tie in as well "Little Green Men" from season four of that series. I have say that even though there were some of Ward's own characters that I did like a lot, I feel he was trying to hard to have this be what HE WOULD'VE wanted to see happen as Star Trek's Original time line to some effects instead of what Rick Berman and The Next Generation's creative staff did with four other Next Gen movies after the last one with the original crew known as Star Trek The Undiscovered Country. I think that best way to grade this story as a whole was bogged down by way too much set ups that took it into a true void less space that had very little action throughout and the story had very little bits of both what I wanted to see which was a huge exploration of the characters of Gray Seven and Roberta Lincoln in their actual foes from "Assignment Earth" itself. The one good thing I learned from this is Gary's shapeshifting alien cat that both Kirk and Lincoln see out of the corner of their eyes at the end of "Assignment Earth" happens to be finally given a name

and it happens to be Isis. Yet I could also be mistaken by this information I guess all in all I should just Watch "Assignment Earth" again just for "From History Shadow" grade by yours truly I'm giving it a C minus!   

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