August 19, 2015

Now Soaring or trying to find out more of the HEROES series......

Hello from the blog poster known as me Matt Byrd,
  Just so you all know this very television series that I am very determined to have all out of it's original four volumes (which is how they ran with the seasons) isn't my so called first redo of watching something so tightly knitted together, as a whole. The very first thing that was is a Japanese cartoon series which are called and known as Animes, was Star Blazers as it was known here in America and yes here and there you ol valiant readers know that is scattered as much as anything Spider-man related on this very blog. Still here is 

a image of something Star Blazers like if you wanna go see what that in it own right is all about, but after reading this pretty please and thanks for jumping into the HEROES phenomenon with yours truly......     

     The HEROES went and was running on NBC when it first was televised from September twenty fifth , two thousand and six till  its unfinished end in the year of  two thousand and ten on February eight. I have been looking at a lot of the history on the internet itself to understand it all much more rapidy so I can keep you in on the know as much as I can as I like you am exprincing it for truly the very fiest go around......
     "HERO ES" began with a biblical title as it lunched itself out of the gate and to brief  sum up of what it was about in no more than two words or less "Super Freaks in the real world!" Okay I know that's four words really but  I will explain it all eventually at the end of volume one as best I can and now let's see where the HEROES are in - "DON' T  LOOK BACK" The episode opens with  this narration from Monhinde "We  all imagine ourselves the agents of our own destiny, capable of determining our own fate. But have we truly any choice in when we rise? or fall? Or does a force larger than ourselves bid our direction? Is it evolution that takes us by the hand? Does Science point our way? Or is it God who intervenes, keeping us safe? The mysteries of the five people so far Claire, Hiro, Mohinder,Niki, Peter still linger in the shadows of what is truly happening to each of them from family;y members or friends. Claire finds from her pal Zach that the camcorder video has gone missing from his backpack?, Hiro finds himself looking at a comic book in the middle of Times Square and leading him to investigation of the comic artist Iscca? Mohinder finds more out about his father's true line of work, before almost being killed himself?, Niki finds outs that from watching her camcorder video that she may have murdered her mob boss's own money collectors, and then Peter's own brother Nathan still seems to want him to think that he wasn't at all saved by him from that alley in New York city? As each of  them find a little bit of peace to ease their own very own train of thinking.....Here comes  everyday cop Matt Parkman whom it seems can hear what others are saying around him. Which this leads him into VERY BIG  RED FLAG TROUBLE at the scene of a crime he is helping his fellow officers with. Yet no matter what everything keeps pointing to a guy named Sylar and even though we the viewers or the others that are hiding something of  any truth of what's happen to them while Monhider an a colleague of his father are finding out what  was his research prof was that ended up having a hint as to why he was killed when they hear a voice on his phone answering machine that sounds to be very unstable  but very sure he has the right person he want to be connecting with and claims to be Sylar. This episode ends with Hiro being questioned about what he did to a open headed Isaac that is missing his entire brain the cops who are questioning him find on him a  very one of a kind trinket from the old days of marvel comics "A Merry  Marvel Marching ID card which was a real thing by the way I remember reading about it in  the book seen here 

  I may even still have it I'm pretty sure in storage. Anyway the cops call Hiro's co worker friend in Japan and the friend claims he hasn't seen Hiro since  the date of October second when right now the date is November eight? Hiro all of a sudden teleports back to a subway car in midtown Tokyo on his way to work as he does this we see when he does it that at some future time midtown of Time Square is left in a mushroom billowing cloud  happening? I think this one gets a 10 out of 10 from me for sure!       

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