June 16, 2014

A top ten of Casey's toon characters # 10......

Hello to all who loved Mister Kasem,
 Well I'm sure that if you were hiding under a rock yesterday that you didn't hear of radio Disc Jockey and the voice of so many beloved cartoon characters that we all know and love did pass into vocal heaven. Now I won't be one to say who is right or wrong with his family war of what he wished for after he did pass on either.... but I did after hearing of his death really did think a lot about his greatest cartoon character that he voiced forever....well I'm sure we all know who that was/is? still where does
 the Shag man fall on this very top ten list of characters, is it even number 1 or not? Well this is what I did decided to do in the way of this very top ten list:  one, Have one of Casey's characters that I know super well (yes this includes Scooby's pal to be waited on for sure) needs to be as unknown to me Matt as they are to you the reader or at least for the most part anyway!   
 So where do we start then right? 

Well I was thinking of something almost as old as Scooby Doo anyway  and a art style I have liked as much as I do any cartoon no matter what, that of course would have to be Anime from Japan. Yes I know I might be breaking my own rule here but does the name Mark Venture ring any bells in Anime, I mean outside of  the guy seen here 

with his best friend and enemy Derek Wildstar, from the Anime animated series called STAR BLAZERS here in America......well from my understanding at the same time that    STAR BLAZERS hit the air waves of the United States so had this Anime in certain areas, but not the same ones.....(i think?)  It was called "BATTLE OF THE PLANETS". It as well had a Mark Venture character in it. Casey Kasem provided the voice for the Mark Venture character of this series seen here:
Now I will say this I know nothing of BATTLE OF THE PLANETS at all if anyone who does know of it's history it would be greatly appreciated if you would let me know your thoughts of if this Anime lover should add it to my collection of stuff to watch or should I watch it online please let me know? All the same Mister Kasem your sorely missed as any character that was  just super cool! 
To Be Continued..........  

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