May 04, 2014

The Force isn't just with the SkyWalker family today.....

Hello fans of Lucas Magic,
 Look now I know that for me myself I know that it has just recently in the last three years have I notice that everyone who is a science fiction freak knows that today is known forever more as "National STAR Wars day....." kids of the last four decades yeah I know I now am dating myself aren't I?, have for their knowledge of first getting into anything science related that is fictional jump at a chance to see these guys 
better known as Darth Vader and his family of FORCE ROCK. Writer/director George Lucas back in that mid nineteen seventies started a project of his own creation called STAR WARS EPISODE IV: A NEW HOPE  that for at the time stretched movie making to it's farthest potential with special effects. I mean sure he in his own way was talking about dark over light on the big canvas of dealing with worldly problems, most notably the Vietnam War in a big flashy Saturday morning matinee that if you were a kid fifty years before, when you saw a short story film before the main feature. Still yet even through today is "May the 4th be with you day" it is also another very non forget full day for my brother Micheal, and my sister Kylie as well as myself we can never forget that today is
our dad Micheal Joe Byrd's birthday and even if we as the kids can't always remember for what the world does we happen to have a better reason to honor this very day. Without it even if Nancy Carol Powers is our mother without him Micheal, we three wouldn't exist, or maybe we would but because of Michael Joe Byrd bless his soul we would be very different people, and even though Michael died on November fourth, two thousand and ten his birthday is very special to me Raymond Matthew Byrd his oldest son no matter what!                       

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