March 01, 2014

Buliding up to.......

Hello everyone,
 Well if you couldn't tell before it is yet the start of something yet again?, and if you happen to be thinking you have seen this post title before just ask yourselves maybe there's more to this than as the Transformers classic tagline of "MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE". Well as it turns out today I'm thought that since this is really a two part story I'd start at the beginning as the old saying goes..... you know that I seem to bring up kid stuff a lot of the time here on the site and rather than it being a story from either the next generation like a bunch are with these three seen here
with their loving uncle Matt from back in two thousand and twelve's summer. Of course you know their names as if their lives were cartoon characters or at least sometimes it does feel a bit like that from how I come up with all my many tales of splendor joy when writing of their excitement of life with such a neat ideal storyteller and at the same time it's not of those many young people I bring up from time to time from a place called Minnesota, either. But rather what I did happen to of had in common with all of them when I was their age.What I remember from when I was about Cannon and Bryce's age was action figures for myself, but of the topic I'm talking of which is those colorful snap together blocks with two or three peg joint to connect them together for toddlers nowadays. A kid mainly boys but girls use these little blocks to be creative in making their idea come to life, the toys I'm referring to are called LEGOS , when I recall playing with them in the late nineteen seventies they didn't have the little yellow headed figures , one had to use their imagination like I said before and just build stuff. For me I went and made a version of the Yamato/Argo and even though it never looked like this
directly it was neat having what I could with what my forethought could be allowed with what was available of sets you could get at the the time. Mine was just thirty six parts of Blue and Red pieces and since I loved science fiction and the Anime style of that first foreign cartoon called, STAR BLAZERS
here in the united states. Still I remember when I was that young I seem to recall another toy favorite of children under the age of ten or so, that one would had also found a bunch of fun with, were little brown colored logs that had slots in them as a grove where you could interlock them together with sticks of the same color of brown, were also a big smash hit as well. While looking for images of the above mentioned "ARGO" made of LEGOS  image for the writing of this very post I came across this very photo 
of a little boy named Sam that just by chance only slightly looks like my brother Micheal or I from back in the early years for us with his Lincoln Logs. So what could these two sets of building toys have in common for what was meant for today.....find out tomorrow! With all of that out of the way I guess we do need to deal with what comes to be change on the first of every month huh?, now what is that I gotta think......ah right the reveal of last month's goodies An even though it truly been a month I had this really neat inkblot    

of what seems like a changing of the guard for the masked hero known as Spider-Man which for close to a year and a half hasn't been Peter Parker by any means seems like a darkness is coming over him. Well not to burst your comic fans insider news but come next month Marvel is bringing Peter back to his own body just in time for the release of May fourth release of "THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2" I had this as my plate here at the site since February fifteenth so you can see what I mean by not even a whole month bit. As for my desktop image for last month was a clue closer to an entry titled "Exactly 1,000 more till...." with can everybody say 

"Captains of Action"!   

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