February 03, 2014

What's all the hub bub about of all the window art.....

Hello to all,
Okay now I know that just the other day I had said I was going to be having a lot of Love Themed Valentine colors, for the rest of the month yet at the same time I knew that right after something BIG called the Superbowl that something worth Millions was in the works at the grocery store with the name of Albertson's. To be honest, I thought that we had given up on games to get more people to wanna shop at the store. Our last game in the vein of what I'm talking about was over two years ago with this as it's name "Sizzling Summer,Give Away", now a few weeks ago I saw two famous boards tacked onto the employee cork board by the time clock here is what they look like  
still the game itself doesn't start officially the ninth of this very month. Yet for the past week or so we have had a commercial artist that paints murals for ads like the game board on the right suggest a grand play will be had by all who choose to play the game known simply as 

what it says along side that little guy who happens to be a very important part of the classic Parker Brothers game, Monopoly. That happen to be close to the entrance of where you come into and exit from the store, and still closer on the left side of the store that was next to the video giant that had it name in bright "Yellow"is the big Cha Cing money amount that is available   
  . Now as the artist was putting these both together I was wanting to ask a million questions about Monopoly itself,I won't say I never play the game as a kid or never played the Mickey Dee take on the game before.....but I guess in all of my knowledge of the said game I had always thought that the guy with the cane never had a real name so I remember always calling him "Mr. Monopoly" or even "Richie  Rich's daddy" from the comic strip "Richie Rich".     
Now before I go and tell you that I'm usually a wealth of meaningless  know it off the top of your head facts not only did I not know that billionaire guy had a actual name, but I also forgot that originally his skin tone was White like a ghost, for I'm sure most of us think of things like that as silly and outdated if you will. For whenever you see a Monopoly game box as early as nineteen seventy nine "The ol Money bags guy" yeah I called him that from time to time too, and probably still will for some reason, the airbrush artist whose name was Eric had said his name was/is "Uncle Pennybags", I like I shared with all of you a moment ago told him  I had all kinds of names I called him,since I didn't know his true name that even I know of.... Since the winners of the Superbowl were the Seattle Seahawkjust yesterday Eric had put on a special touch on Ol Uncle Pennybags seen here 


as a Super bowl ring on the hand holding  his famous walking cane,but you do have look awfully close to even notice it, if you can at all?


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