January 01, 2014

Who says it's just a new set of numbers?

Hello All, 
Now you like me know that just a moment ago we have had that grand time of what's known as "Ringing in the NEW YEAR", which happens to be two thousand fourteen or twenty fourteen take your pick? But what really gets, me is everyone no matter who you are has decided to make a New Years Resolution of some kind. Be it to result in a greater hope of Goodness or betterment for your peace of mind, to help you throughout the coming year. What gets me tickled silly is that no matter who we are our holding true to sticking to our promise does eventually fall short does it not? , and the main reasons for falling short is simple we are just human, an we try to not fall from our own inner quest of staying faithful to our hope of sticking to our guns of truth. Let me ask you something have you ever been addicted to something that you love more than life itself. The reason that I'm bringing this very thing up is because even though last month was when we in  America and those who celebrated  the twenty fifth as more than just a day of presents alone, and recall why YOU want to help others less fortunate  than yourself can that being addicted to something makes you more understanding of why WE Must LOVE beyond reason of our follow human beings. Yes it is also good to be addicted to awful things that YOU YOURSELF KNOW ARE BAD  FOR YOU, AS WELL.....the reason that those last words are BOLD FACE CAPSIZED is so that ANYONE, AND EVERYONE DOES KNOW CHANGE IS ALWAYS A OPEN PROBABLE MEANS OF POSSIBILITY. That brings me all the more closer of showing you what I wanted to have either as the background plate here at the site, or as my wallpaper on my desktop over last month......but I DO WONDER is it right? to show it at all and my inner soul and heart keeps telling me "MATT JUST DO IT because it will HELP you with what pains you so much even if you don't want to face YOUR OWN DARKNESS Yet, so without further ado here is what keeps my everyday thoughts that much more pure: 


I hope it will for many others as well?, as for my NEW YEAR Resolution I think and know that by being open to others with a very simple greeting of "Hello" is the best way of looking and knowing I can get to know others and respectful to them as well, and by doing this who knows of the endless possibility grander relationships with others that you meet everyday! Now let me show you my presents of the end of 2013 for all. Here was what I had as the site's plate 
,the one thing I didn't know of when I had chosen it was that the video game hero was lip locking with good ol Saint Nick which can be taking many ways I guess? I want you to all know I only meant it as a Christmas choice nothing more than that. Now If you know me at all you all know of my love for a certain Red and Blue comic book superhero as my Christmas inspiration even if I don't like how his current story directions have been going for the past seven flipping years of time but without a doubt this very image


of Spidey waving to his everyday boss is well how can I say it, rather priceless because look at what he Peter wrapped his present in? Again I hope you will enjoy the coming New Year the best way you can hope for as it is written elsewhere, and now here as well "ALL THINGS are POSSIBLE, when you listen to what your soul is telling you about the meaning of life!    

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