October 31, 2013

Being my other self today couldn't be anymore worth the......

Happy Halloween to all Goblins & Ghouls,
   Anyone who is aware of this blog in anyway of finding it search wise on the net must know without a doubt that this is my day or rather night that I love outside of the real next holiday comes along on a string. I know that I go into grand detail about all of life in some form or other throughout this blog, but that is because no matter what everyday matters! Still I know a few days ago I threw out hints as to what I was gonna be this year, yet I know in truth Nobody would have guessed from 
my again growing out my beard like I did last year. I was gonna be the Mad Hatter this year in fact I had it cemented in my brain with the idea of on one cheek a tea kettle with a whisk of smoke coming out of it and on the other side I would have had a tea cup on a saucer plate. That was all summer and all of last month, but then something just had to happen to shake thing idea to a rotten joke if you'll believe it? I know everyone wants to know what the spoils were right?, well it turns out every costume that was out for the Mad Hatter was to frightening to be what I wanted, So instead I went with this 

as my fun suit. Since this year Candy night was on Thursday I knew I 'd have to get my beard design rather earlier than later, so last Saturday I went after my Men Breakfast on a trip over the city of Pasco. Here was what the young lady did

A "DARK KNIGHT" type of Batman symbol on my main beard's body, then on the right was a reversed question mark while on left side was a proper one so who in the heck are the conundrums giving you an answer of? Why if you said The Riddler  

of Batman fame you'd be righter than how many times the other foe in the color scheme of Purple and Green that also throws "Bats" 
insane puns before he does his crime. Better known as The Joker! Now as you can all see I went and made a combination of the two. When I went looking for the look of the Riddler costume  I found that I had the choice of what I ended up with but, I also could have gone with a whole bodysuit like I wouldn't have tried that over any Halloween, anytime soon. Still the other choice I was in for was a full Riddler look of the actor who played him the most from  the sixty series of Batman,

 named Frank Gorshin. The suit has a huge price tag of one hundred sixteen dollars, so if the one I got was fifty nine dollar amount do you think I made the right choice? Today with out a doubt I super enjoyed being the bad guy in spades..... and my first run in was with a Spider-Girl known 

as Mayday Parker(?), then there was this second cool setup of Matt's Riddler run in with a young Bruce Wayne and his grandma.

I then ran into a young boy that is decked out as the first superhero comic book hero ever from the late nineteen thirties. Known better as Superman!

I feel since he was a great powerhouse in the look that he deserves a second pow wow with yours truly and here 
is that one. One of the things that I had heard from my boss that her former front end supervisor was getting her daughter ready for Halloween day and was thinking what was Matt the courtesy clerk, for this year. At the time I got my boss to promise to this year getting a photo with the Matt Riddler by the day's end. Before that through I was seeing all types of other adults dressed up as well as myself so I really and truly didn't feel out of place or silly at all and before long I just had a feeling some more kids were gonna be coming around as superheroes and that among other things is why I always bring my digital camera along on this day, because if you look over by the dairy department of our store you can see that here again
 , I am being beaten up by a couple of competitor comic company mascots known as little Cap and little Shellhead. Still my day wasn't over by a stretch of time for my good friend June came by to pose with me because that's our thing 

since last year's Buzz thing. More on that in a moment or so, I just so happen to find out that I was not the only one with the White face idea either for here is my coworker Jackie Ellis in her new one day look of stitches 
with me as well. Finally from the store front how many of you all remember when I went and did that crazy look of the Toy Story character other than Woody the cowboy. I am sure no one did when I kept posting that image of myself and the unknown young woman dressed up in the guise of the aforementioned first superhero of comics. Well I just thought before I went and gave out my final pair of treats this year that I would pullout one more set of photos that still deserve to be in contention for best ever runner up of the whole year. That being said here are my favorite Detective Comics form of Super Girl:          
Without a inch of her Super Krypton strength I have got to admit that the Super Girl kiddo punching me is my second top favorite of this year's Spooky but still non scary Halloween pics this year. Before I even dare tell you which one I do think in my heart of hearts is number one I have tell you that after work I went over to my brother Micheal's house and handed out candy here I am 
thinking that those Pumpkins won't be talking back to me 
then of course on the way over to his house Michael wanted to know if I was up for a per release of the movie opening tomorrow called Ender's Game (more on that later.......)  I did however saw a young girl that had the Mad Hatter idea getting some candy loot but of course she didn't design her face with teapots or tea cups on a saucer nor was she all out green like I was thinking of she was Red in her costume choice which I thought was pretty neat. Before Michael and Kathie and I went to go see E.G. I got a couple great pics of our own yearly thing we do every Ol Hallows Eve  
and yes for some oddball reason I did decide put up two oh I wonder why?        

           Again I hope every kid enjoys getting bag loads of candy, as to the one pick of the Halloween photos this year that's number one is myself and the Spider-Girl and it's really because I and her dad let her choose if she wanted the photo taken. 

 Have a Happy Halloween, my friend.......

October 27, 2013

As you can see.....

Hello Crawly ones,
 I know that I always seem to put up links in some of my many postings here at the site, and just today earlier this morning in fact I got to thinking after making one for comic reviews 2013 that it would be so much easier for you the reader of the blog known as Day lie of the Matt if I made a very simple link hopping page for you to find stuff. So like here is what you'll find here in new links that have just appeared! I happen to call this new header on the blog "Just a bit on the side" it will be located right over the Spider-Man wife question on the right there for easy access. I'm sure I will be adding more to it at some given time too as well? 

October 25, 2013

Maybe a clue or maybe not a clue?

Hello Tricksters of the night,
  I know I said I wouldn't give out any true clues about what's coming up next Thursday better known as All Hallows Eve. More commonly known today as Halloween, of what I'm doing of course. Nor did I say I won't toss out hints as to what I'll be that night of being anyone you wish to be? Believe me I have been trying to really keep it under warps...... Even though I do wanna surprise the lot of you again I think it would be best to say by looking at these Green clad folks seen here 

could be somewhat of a bit of help who really knows for sure? The one thing I can say about the character I will be planing to be is a lot like me in a way by this I mean he gives out puzzles in the form of puns. Oh and he is in this guy's rouge 

of challenges to beat whenever it is that they shall meet!    

October 13, 2013

Just another strange indy movie...

Hello movie thriller seekers,
Hey look I know I was just talking about a super cool monster flick just yesterday from when I rented three DVDs from good ol Blockbuster video store that is near me. Still there was one that just grabbed me even through the title was very forwardly stupid, it was called NAZIS AT THE CENTER OF THE EARTH
, and like every other independent film I've talk about here this one has a cool high point in this it's a really wacky take on Adolf Hitler, in this he turns out to be brought back from the dead as a Transformer of sorts 

,say what? This was made by the same production company that made Abraham Lincoln vs Zombies that I wrote about when I was watching the Johnny Depp make of "Dark Shadows"  late last year, the production company's name is The Asylum. They make mostly movies that would be considered "Mostly Pinocchio strung work" but are good for a great time if nothing right now that's out strikes a punch for a movie goer.  In the story of Nazi at the center of the earth it starts out with the last few weeks before the end of World War II and these Germans have been trying to find a way to bring life back to their leader, Hitler with a machine they made by their war expert but are found out by the world and are killed before learning how to use the very machine. Jump to present day: After two scientists go missing in the Antarctic the rest of the five of the team travel to where those to vanished only to find themselves sucked into a really bad cater that has a lit wall behind them and are forced to call the light water in the script. One of the very geneticists scienitit has been waiting for this moment to rejoin his long forgotten project to bring the very control Hitler had when he crafted the Third Reich back during his rule of the country known as Germany. Now thorough those remaining Nazi soldiers that assumed to of died in the Arctic are now Zombies trying to use modern means of being the great race they claimed to be, with a doctor by the name of Joeef Mengele who is played by multiple actors. These Nazis do get what the want which is a reborn Hitler and a spaceship? to conquer the whole earth...only to have it all taken away in two seconds. Yes this film isn't a grand masterpiece as I said earlier at the start of this, but it does have it's small amount of a one room feel no matter what by it's end. An as for it being a Halloween winner let me say it's more of a bad choice when I wanted to be scarred more than bored to Z-land, in fact I wished I would've gone with my choice of the remake of "PROM NIGHT" instead. Still I think I can survive.....till the real night of candy fun that is!                                

October 10, 2013


Are You ready for a new look at the wonder that is "IN WONDERLAND" for the sake of not having grand competitive competition against those mega awesome comedies of another network. Well after reading this I DO hope you will give the series that this poster  

represent at least a try of a leap of faith in a new thing. Please enjoy this for it has....well read on to find out?

October 06, 2013

Oh what will I choose this year to be?

Questing for help from Ye on a quest that's only for people who love the day, or rather the night 
known as Halloween...? Or maybe this is more than meets the eye Transformers crazy?, who really knows for sure?......

October 05, 2013

The ORIGINAL Dracalua film (SG style)

Heckle me this or better yet, tell me what you think of this little bite,
  Well before I go and see if this does appeal to real people besides myself who love the "Prince of Darkness", or the countless other names for the one monster role that made "Mister Lugosi" famous for all time, let me just say I too feel like a creature of the night. I have had a very long week of being upbeat and lows at the same time mainly because of my work place known as Albertson's finally after the whole summer we now have competition down the road from us is a grocery store called YOKE'S I have been trying my best to also get ready for three shows being broadcast in the upcoming week two which are series starters: "THE TOMORROW PEOPLE" and the ever hidden always little girl known as Alice, which at the end of this you'll have your fifth question to tie into the series called "Once Upon a time in Wonderland". Now on to today itself, I did my regular Saturday morning breakfast with my bible study group from my home church, then I got in a bit of overtime at work after that with a shift from 10-3, then I went to my bank and did some bill paying with a lunch before that at dairy queen, and to top it all off I went to bed this morning at 12:45 am, so after I got home at a little after five I went and zoned on some Zzz till nine thirty. I watched the end of Star Trek which was the Spock kills Kirk over his childhood love of T-Ping...then this Svengoolie  take of well watch this and you'll know:     

. I have to really tell you there have been many long nights over many years ago that I always tried to watch this and I had always found myself nodding off just when it was getting good, I not sure if I was afraid of Dracula growing up and by this pic here
as to if I ever overcame that very fear like one Halloween persona I never could more on that at a another time. Dracula I guess you could say was my second favorite as a kid of the movie monsters. What I did like about this movie were when you learn silly stuff like this

 or is it more like an unknown factoid that one never knows....

Still I must admit how can anyone whoever loves the Count not know of what made the character really leap from the page of the book to the big screen, in this clip here

 do you think you can find that very moment or are you to scarred to know why the Count is such a passionate fixture of the great ol horror flick of the good old days. Finally IF YOU EVER DO GET UP THE NERVE TO WATCH THIS GRAND OL FLICK DON'T FORGET YOUR TRUSTY WEAPON AGAINST THE GOOD COUNT.... WHICH IS
  Here's your AIW question of the day, It is rumored that a certain cartoon voice of Spawn will voice which a big cat can you name this deep gruff sounding actor?

October 02, 2013

What a MONSTEROUS FIND of.....

Hello my groovy friends, 
I am so sure as my name is this year is "Matt the MONSTER", "Count Matt, if you please", "The Boo-est of soulless Boole frightful mornings" it seems no matter where you look this month you will find that General Mills Cereals are at it again. What is that you mean you haven't known of the Grand Return of two missing cereals of the classic Monster Cereals that should help your little monster be ready for the day of school. Or even for yourselves as an Adult missing their Saturday morning cartoon extra special fuller uppers from long ago. It was three years ago when as you all know I came across the boxes
 seen here  around my head. Still before all of that as I said back then I only knew these three as characters as the main MONSTERS that everyone knows of and earlier this past August I like when I had found this of Fred Gwynne

from star of "Car 54, where are you?" as his second if not his most beloved role of Herman Munster chopping down on some Frankenberry cereal when I went looking through a site that I wish I could recall how I found the site but I was looking for Halloween Monsters playing poker images using the werewolf character as my main image search finder. Anyway long story short I had at that very site had found this
of the real Frankenstein.monster eattng a bowel of good ol fashion Strawberry flavored FRANKBERRY cereal which I'm guessing the artist who drew it got inspiration from thinking of both the actual monster and at the same time finding the very photo of Herman Munster that I have had as part my two thousand ten entry titled "MONSTER CEREALS, are they  scary or just yummy to eat." Before I get to what I found just before I left to come home tonight I want to share with you a couple of neat art pieces that fans of the seasonal cereal made that I found while coming up with the words of this again visited cereal posting. Here they are both are from 
the Deviant Art site as the last bit of marshmallow gooey mess   I will let it be known for now anyway?  Still I have more to ask you all, when was the last time anyone's really wanted those seasonal MONSTER cereals that up til this year had consisted of two cereals from the top are missing 

seen here. Yet as I was saying at the start of this post, at the end of today before heading home I had to take a go back to aisle sixteen of some baby food. That's when I had  
seen this display off of the corner aisle fourteen our seasonal area anytime of the year. I'm sure though they will be moved over to the real cereal area of aisle three before to long, very soon!

October 01, 2013

Frrss First day of the scarest month.......

 Hello Frighten Ones, did I happen to scare you I truly hope not, or do I?

Well it is, the 1st of the month yet again, so what does that mean your wondering I'm sure, huh?, You all know I love games of any kind but what does it mean for this month of 2013?, So many scary thoughts are being plugged into my deadly brain right now, even lilttle ol me can't want to see what I'm planing on a whole? The chills I can promise will be strange and worth a yell or two. The main thing that I can feel I can talk about without revealing to much to soon is something of the girl seen peeking through 

the keyhole seen here. This of course shouldn't be news to anyone who happens to know I've been very admit it about the likes of the girl known as Alice over this past summer. It does appear that the appeal of WONDERLAND will be known in a very new way still...... This past Sunday after a very neat fourth win by the home state team known by this very look
pulled out a wonderful win against the lesser known Texan Team, that's not the Dallas Cowboys, anyway after the game was over my affinity for seeing how others saw the little miss of wonderland took me on a hunt I wouldn't believe. It seems as if the producers of the series known as "Once Upon A Time"have heard the many "Alice fans" of Charles Dodgson's greatest piece of literary work.Now I don't wanna tell you all of what I do know of this little gem of a series so far other than it starts in nine days time, and runs opposite of my favorite CBS series known as TBBT. Here's one thing that I can tell that I'm okay with for now I read that this take is to be like Tim Burton's movie from a few years ago, yet from what I saw I can only saw this I know we are in for some really wonderful surprises is what I leave you with for now. It is now time for little ol me the ideal words man of this site to reveal my two greatest parts of the month known as September of 2013 and here is the plate 
that I used of my comic swinging pal ol Parker through the New York skyline by comic artist John Romita Jr. There is one thing I do have to say about the choice that I didn't notice till I put it up a day later, and that is it has the Twin Towers in it which we know what had happen twelve years ago, and for readers who did suffer the loss of a love one I'm truly sorry if the plate choice did unnerve you a LITTLE or a LOT. Finally here is what I had as my desktop on my main desktop. 


It is a scene from the rarely seen third arc of the Star Blazers series known as "The Bolar  Wars" it has the newest crew members Jason Jeter and Flash Contrail among others know that things will be okay and that a new planet earth will be found very soon under the skipper known as Wildstar and the space vessel called the Argo.