August 25, 2013

That pair of two movies.....

Boy what kinda movies would Alice and her blue little friends the Smurfs want to keep as a secret from you the reader of this find blog??? Better yet still why would they keep it hidden any ol on my friend read find out the answers for yourself below! 

Hello everyone, 

Let me ask you all I have been known to throw you a tease every once in a while right?, well of course I know I have, still though I do make the most or best of coming out as quickly as I can with a answer, when ever time allows me to. Today instead of sitting at home after my Men Breakfast at the church I knew I had to take care of at least three things. I went and got my two books I have been reading of late or have been trying to, I know that you all know that I am still doing my own comparison between these two books of
 Alice in Wonderland tale of the original work which is one hundred and forty eight years young with the comic book adaptation of Zenescope press publications and the other one which I'm still haven't gotten into yet is the one of IT'S SUPERMAN seen here 
on the left. With all that I had to do in the end though I didn't get much done on either book. Now as to what those three other things were comprised of was this number one, Spend time with my bus driving driver pal Ron Franz since this was the last time that I would get to see him in a long while, the new Ben Franklin Transit shakeup or where each driver will be for the next three months starts this upcoming Monday morning. my second big thing to do was to go to Target (and I was hoping that on this  part could be done in one stop, but alas I was proven wrong by the end of the day....) what I was hoping to get at the bulls eye store was a copy of the Disney animated classic of Alice in Wonderland and a few memory sticks like this one that
 I took a photo of a KINGSTON brand name that is covered in a slew of Star Wars stickers. I did happen to find one that could hold thirty two gig bites, and even though I searched long and hard for about forty minutes and even after asking if they had it of Alice in Wonderland the cartoon version I had only found the movie of what I wrote about in a entry called  "What's little and my favorite color?" if you need to know more of this by the way it's off to the right in the popular blog postings at number nine! That said movie is this 
and it only cost me five bucks, can't beat that with a stick now or can I? It was now just a little before two pm so I went over to the three rivers bus transfer point which is just behind Target an finally caught my intended driver that I was hunting for Ron on his very last trip into Richland and we chatted about various stuff, which I know we both enjoyed endlessly about but I had also seen just yesterday on the release of the Ben Franklin Transit latest information guide that Ron was on the cover of it and everyone knows it's him by the pose alone is all I'm saying but he didn't sign it like I had wished he would have. All the more reason to keep him on my radar I guess. I still had enough time to run over to Walmart and make a quick search for the Alice in Wonderland that I was hoping to find at a little after fivish and lo and behold when I was just about to give it all up I found it after going around that very area where it was about four times. See I need the movie 

to work out a part in the next comparison of "Alice vs Alice" and the rest will have to remain mum about it for now at least.  

Ah yes the pieces for you know what are below:      


Now I just wonder with this last photo as a choice of my niece Heidi and her spider-brother Cannon looking up as if they are trapped into something will some entry later on be a per Halloween or OZ themed coming???? 

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