July 06, 2013

My top ten favorite sci-fi robots of all time.........

Hey there all,
 I got to thinking just the other day since I have such a huge fan of anything and everything Sci- Fi and after finding this photo
of Star Trek's Mister Data when I was on my final idea putting a entry about Mount Rushmore together that's both funny as all get out will be and serious at the same time, I also got thinking about all Sci-Fi based robot characters and not just these ones 
known as transformers. Besides for them I have a top  ten list of a different kind in the wood  works. Now with their being so many robotic lifeforms that are loyal for the being known as humans there are equally many that are intent on killing the biological form known as mankind. You can bet I will have some of them in this chart topper of a list as well. Now I know your asking yourself will you go into detail of why YOU love each one but of course I will? Finally before we begin they are ALL ranked as number UNO by me no matter what as a whole in the end!    

Number 10:                      Is the robot known as IQ-9 from the number one Anime known as STAR BLAZERS here in the united states which was important for another reason altogether. The character of IQ as he was known most of the time would help out the group of humans led by Abraham Avatar in their quest to solving a vital problem the whole planet earth has of being bombarded by lethal space bombs which were covered in radioactive materials that were coming out far far away in deep space from a mysterious planet known as Gamilon. He has shown that even though he is made of a metal shell that he is capable of understanding the human emotion called love. A great example of this is when he protects the crew member called Nova from a strange set of an alien race
known as the Bee people. He also helped the man known as Stephen Sandor who when he was much younger suffered an accident which left him a very unique type of human and keep it at that for now, save their vessel known as the yamato it's original name but, in English it is called the Argo from the greatest treat that general Lysis throws at them in his last battle with Avatar and the crew when they are so very close to Gamilon. 
Lsyis tries to stop them with a drill missile in the heart of the Argo bow section which houses a weapon called the Wave Motion Gun that is capable of if necessary destroying a whole planet. IQ-9 has even taken the place of the ship's navigator Mark Venture when the crew had thought they had lost him when they were fighting a force of evil known as the comet empire which turned out to be much more than just a ordinary comet 

at all.

To be continued......        

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