March 02, 2013

Happy B-day to my superhero sister

Today is a grand day for a young lady I call sister,
Would anyone who is anyone believe that my super rocking nephew seen here being 
a pirate on a Disney cruise  

no less ....has some one in his life that is gaining a year in life called age? Now I will be the first to admit it is his wonderful hard working mother I am of course referring to as the kid who the year gainer, who just happens to also be my younger sister Kylie. I can say this about the title this entry being about a superhero sister isn't a lie at all, even though I know Kylie doesn't like the four color world called comics that isn't why she is a superhero at all, it because like anyone who has big jobs to do she does it. Like for example when I just need a person to talk to about stuff I will most likely call her for some help on stuff I may need help with. As to how she is also really a hero weather powered or otherwise she helps defend our country when their are so many miss understanding in the planet we call earth. If she were a super hero though I think no I NOW she would all three of these 

ones rolled into ONE. Your wonder why did I go with a selection of Detective Comics characters instead of Marvel comic super heroines, well outside of wonder woman being the concert epitomized take on a woman being tough and strong none of the Marvel super heroines  stand for bravery as the ones in the DC comic universe do (that's just my view of they stack up, even though Marvel sets it's stories more in the real world at times I guess) , I also believe my sister is pretty cool for what she does in raising her son Bryce. Still to show my sister or anyone else praise with the words that I write here but on that given person's special day I love to prove having fun 

is the best kind of present of all! At most it's the best way I know how to honor the very special relationship I have with the birthday person in question on their day. Since I have talked about Disney a bit here too here for kids who look at this is Mickey being kind to his mouse counterpart Minnie 
,which makes since when you think of our aforementioned Disney time together Kylie. 
 I hope you will enjoy your birthday, love your brother Matt         

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