February 18, 2013

And now about a long said promise and more......

Hey to everyone whose a dreamer,
Now let me start this by saying that late into the night last night after nearly a year's time I have finally finished that book seen here 

, as to why I took so long with it I don't think any answer I give can be justified, other than sometimes, it's that I get strong needs to break away from reading because of the important stuff that life threw my way. I know that along the way after reading that grand ideal of novel (I will very soon have it's review up, and I'll let you all know in the comment section below on this very post), I had wanted to read even newer works that I had found like the squeal to this little gem 
,I was reading back in the time of when my dad passed away. Then remember that I said back in the beginning of last November that I had wanted to read this

before seeing the very film about it.. Which I did with my brother Micheal and a new friend named Drew on Christmas day. Ever since last Tuesday I have been thinking of getting the latest Bond flick "SKYFALL" on DVD or a combo pack of it on Blue Ray even though I did see it in the theater shortly after knowing of the HOBBIT opening around to close the same time frame thereabouts. Well yesterday after church, I went over to Blockbuster and rented a few Daniel Craig unknown movies and a sure bet that maybe what the rest of this upcoming week's post lists will be about? One thing I have to share with you is that  early this very morning I had a very strange dream that had great promise I'm sure as a nut in a shell that something must be truthful about it even if I unsure for right now..... I was driving down the road with my dad beside me and we were in a place like California or Nevada I'm thinking at least the place was uphill type of roads is what I remember for definite. We were at a  coffee place and we had a little girl with us and as he and I got back into our seats in the car everything went blank for my dad and I and my little girl I guess she is mine stepped on the gas petal and took the car for a spin down the road with us in the backseats.....there are only two things that scared me at least a little me actually driving a automobile......and that my kid actually got away with a very thing I can't do, which is as you probably guess is driving. All I can say is this about the dream I did feel safe driving when I was behind the wheel and my dad was proud of me as well, so I guess that shows even if dreams are scary at times there loads of fun as well.        

1 comment:

Matt said...

As I promised, I am letting all who wish to read my review of the first book shown this entry it is titled "IN CONQUEST BORN" published on exactly a year ago from this dated post. And thanks for reading I appreciate it so much! your creative friend always - Matt B