January 24, 2013

The second Illstruvie father of Peter Parker's life big day

Are you a true die hard fan of ol crawler boy here? well if you are then you know what a very special day is for one his pencilings fathers right? still if you don't know JR Sr you will in a way after this...........I'm pretty sure! 

Hello to all yet again,
 I just can not believe that two months from today will be yet again another breaking day for yours truly in that game called the aging game, better known as a target date for a day of fun with my family and a pie to the face. I'm joshing of course about the pie wearing face bit, but there are more birthdays ahead that lead into mine. Including one of these two fellas seen here 

,has a celebration just today, and my question to you is  which one?  Well I will give you one little clue both are fathers to one the greatest troubled heroes in all of comicdom? better known as Spider-Man from marvel comics. The man in Black needs no introduction and neither does good ol blue boy John Romtia Sr. who with the man in Black have both have a long career with the fictional man known as Peter Parker the man behind the red and black lined mask of the guy seen above Rotmia here at his drafting board 
, the man in Black started with a fellow named Ditko in making the adventures of Parker way back in the comic book  seen here 
,know as Amazing Fantasy# 15. The one on the right was drawn by Jack Kirby and the one on the left was by Steve Ditko. The man in Black with our ever loving birthday boy chose the one by Kirby when it was published in a year called nineteen sixty two. Birthday boy came on to the now titled  The Amazing Spider-Man" comic with this as 

his first issue after Ditko and the man in black still till this day can't agree with how the man known as Parker world should have moved onwards......that was in nineteen sixty six.....Birthday boy worked for six years as Spidey main illustrator, then in nineteen seventy seven the Man in black asked our boy if he'd work with him on a newspaper strip of their iconic red and blue character, so at the time good ol Parker shared a three panel strip with the likes of good ol Charlie Brown .
.Now all I will say about that last image is a clue to this month's desktop game in a way so keep thinking about Peanuts characters and ol web head for a few more days anyways...... As to whom is our ever loving B-Day boy it's none other than John Romtia Sr who celebrates eighty three wonderful years today Happy Birthday Mister Romtia I hope that I can one day meet you in person. As to whom the man in Black is? it Stan Lee.  

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