September 12, 2012

I dare you to to say that this isn't uplifting at all?

Hello all,
After going through another year of trying to understand how to talk to each other about the events on yesterday's date eleven years ago, it seems the world needs GOD even more so. I was trying to find songs that inspired hope of that very day, when I got home from work last night on YouTube. All that I found with a couple of exceptions were heartfelt moving in all there out pouring to me anyway? Although I did find ONE great one of an "INTERVIEW WITH GOD" that's just so understanding of anyone to get. I had then typed in my favorite anime cartoon in the YouTube search bar that I used to watch early in the mornings before catching the school bus to go to school, it was called . I will say this what I did on my Facebook page about when I found this
I couldn't find a flaw anywhere in the performance, I also watched it four times in a row right there on YouTube." I just hope it is an awe inspiring to you as well, and lifts you up if you need a reminder of how needful a song can be performed by a group of youngsters, that can't find it so easily these days to talk with GOD but through cartoons life is explained simpler for their understanding of matters of the heart or at times it is better hopefully!

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