April 15, 2012

What fun stuff as a Captain you could log about to....

To Trekkers and everyone who loves your Trek captains are in for a grand surprise....,
I know already not to ask anyone who reads this to say that I'm NO
T a sci-fi fan in the least especially when it comes to knowing all things "TREK"! Or at least I would hope that I'd know a bunch about most things Trek since way back to a marathon of the original series in the spring of nineteen eighty six in which in that same run of classic campy episodes of Kirk and company they network also show a half a Black and White and half color version of the original unseen Star Trek pilot, which featured Jeffery Hunter seen here , as well as Christopher Pike the first captain of a very soon to be legendary spaceship called The Enterprise. That unknown beginning by the way was known as "THE CAGE". Yet what I wanna talk about today isn't about record keeping of big sorts just a little footnote made by a commanding officer known as Captain Star Trek has had many captains for each vessel called Enterprise or other Federation vessels for their are many space transporting vehicles throughout the whole of any take of the series. Before we even attempt to go any further," I'd wanna ask who's your favorite Trek
captain?" The captain of any Federation vessel keeps a recorded entry of the ship's missions not so much for they own personal use, although any captain can do these as well it's mainly so that at Sarfleet headquarters can understand new findings that each crew makes. Now I do find it rather funny to say that I as you can see off to the far right here have been in contact of late with the crew of the Enterprise D crew and it seems as if Jean Luc Picard can only keep the link open to the past with a old fashion fire log , instead of a darn link to this time period known as the past? What's even seems worst is Jim Kirk with his only entry of this site would only prepare for a
beat down session since he can't find a darn fireplace to toss his record into? Yet wouldn't every StarFleet captain really want a honest to gosh real log with all of the others like the one seen here ,to keep that said link to the past always optionally and emotionality open? maybe the best way to do that would be to use Jean Luc's favorite line in any given matter of urgency which is what again oh yeah "Make it so!"

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