November 19, 2011

It's time for that "FAMOUS WHITE STUFF"....... (or so it seems)

Brr it now seems as if Winter is upon us,
Today I was getting ready for going to m
y Men Breakfast at Cathedral of Joy my home church that I go to from time to time. (Here's a example of how often I go for the breakfasts I usually go for a good four months out of the year consecutively, then I'll go for something like five or six weeks without going, still it's better than how often I attempt to attend church on any given Sunday. For that I have say I let there be a twelve week span of time before I'm show my face again if even that?, Please don't get me wrong I love the main connection of the function of any church which I hope WE ALL KNOW IS having time closer to our creator, GOD) So sorry didn't mean to share my whole soap box text of church, especially when this entry is really about our second time this year of the "WHITE STUFF"
known as course as SNOW. The first snow
we happen to of had was was much like
this where like here
it only lightly touched the ground. That was Tuesday,still this morning it was coming down pretty heavy for at least a good half a hour at least.... I'm sure a real storm will be coming closer to TURKEY DAY but in truth we will just have to wait and see?

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