August 30, 2011

The MINOR QUAKE that shook the east coast

I know I may seem a little bit late with this one, and I'm sorry but at the time of when the event occurred I just couldn't find the way to want express my feelings on the MINOR QUAKE that started in Virginia two weeks ago. As I'm sure you all know it didn't do much in the way of causing chaos yet, it was felt as far west as North Carolina maybe even some parts of Atlanta Georgia and as far east as Pennsylvania and maybe even as far as New Hampshire. What I am most happy about after hearing about the earthquake on K-LOVE there were no injuries such as death recorded for this little surprise of earthshaking, I only heard that the Washington Monument got a couple of cracks out of it all. I hope that if you who are reading this knows of anyone on the east coast please be very thankful your friend or friends didn't get hurt. In fact tomorrow morning with all that is going on I will chat with my friend Chan Hu who lives in Maryland.

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