April 10, 2011

My favorite vesre from the bible is.....

Boy, when I truly sit down with most any book whatever it is I always find some part I love the most about it....so the question about the title of this very posting seems to baffle me?, how is it that your asking for I'm sure how outspoken about my belief in knowing GOD as I say I do here at Day life of the Matt, would make you think I am a biblical nut inside and out, right?,well I am sure as being a lover of comics you will take my word for it that YOU too, have a favorite part of any piece of everything your peepers view. With the very question asked of me my answer is this from the book of Isaiah 58:2 Yet they seek ME daily, And delight to know MY ways, As a nation that did righteousness, And did not forsake the ordinances of their God. They ask of Me the ordinances of Justice; They take delight in approaching God. To me I believe most is WE as fragile humans or even strong willed humans forget that GOD is always with us NO MATTER what we wish to put our understandings of HIM as in understanding life, HE through HIS SON Jesus knows our hearts, more than we know of HIS lessons on what the meaning of living YOUR LIFE is really about. So what the heck is life to be about your wanting know? Living YOUR everyday life is understanding LOVE in others and respect that LOVE of being accepting for what it is, this also applies to people you just meet on the street as well....

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