Hey there, Look I know that in a small if not a large way of late it has seemed like I have been posting a little, if not much a bunch stuff that has seem repetitive. If you haven't been able to tell so much all the better for Mr. me I am in luck I praying and guessing at the same time! One of the many titles for this posting I could have gone with is "Does it seem like "Spring time" to you as well?", Here in the united states it is almost never really noticeable till about mid May for a fact even though officially the start of the season called Spring is around my birthday in March. I as most of you I'm sure would love for this time of year to be full of more than just wet rainy days followed by the one weather that I just hate, yes there is at least one I can assure you it is that howling wind that seems to do no good whatsoever when it comes around. All I can say is I wish we little humans had at least that whew bit of control over mother nature, for to me as I just said it seems we skip right over Spring with it just blowing by then we get burned by the next playground season known as Summer, yet we have to live with as it is always said " Life may not always go the way we WANT IT to, but we should be happy always for the time allotted us to experience it as we ALL WOULD LIKE TO." In the end whatever mother nature brings this day or any other we should ALL just be thankful for that moment NO MATTER how the weather plays out for the said day in question.....
So does anyone know what today April twenty second of two thousand and elven is, besides being plain ol ordinary Friday?, it is said to be "GOOD FRIDAY" in some cases before EASTER Sunday, which I'm sure it is but I am NOT looking for that meaning of the Friday before EASTER Sunday. And instead of throwing you the answer right away here is a hint for you, do you all recall a post here known as "Does the planet Earth have eyes..." that had a image like this ,in it from last August. I'm sure you do and to let you know what I have in my mind's eye is still coming, Today though is Earth Day, and all that I am asking is have you felt that YOU have helped our planet called home today at all? I am not asking if your a environmentalist or if your related to a organization known as Green Peace. I am just hoping that you picked up after yourself or someone else is all, for we ALL should because if you think of it like this a piece garbage is wasteful to us ALL when the only thing we do with it is throwing it on the ground and not in a proper place like a trash can, for only if we ALL do a little our whole planet Earth will be better off for ourselves and our future generations than if we do like we are now, and NOT caring about our very little place in this big place we call the universe. In fact today while I was out collecting carts I picked up a piece of a torn up cigarette "Camel blend' box and threw it into the front garbage in front of the store. Now this may NOT sound like I'm being respective of all the Earth Day, talk I was just mentioning about but later tonight after watching SMALLVILLE and FRINGE I am planning on watching the movie of the CD I'm listing to right as I write this called TITAN A.E., it is about the human race looking for a spaceship to rebuild a new planet earth after some energy race destroys the planet. Nice thoughts for Earth Day, huh?
Hey all, I finally decided to do it again for waiting till summer is far to long to go and wait for this, no matter what, so here it is in a NUT SHELL....this morning at a minute before eight am I went and started walking again. Sure I will admit I had been hoping to really batten down the said hatches way long ago when March arrived but still no matter what things just weren't in the right place at the time, although I still walked to my Men's Breakfast up to the Cathedral of Joy on Saturday mornings when I did go in the earlier parts of January through March. I also had share with you all that I had quit Club 24, as well yet I still had my pedometer with me around the clock at work. I was thinking still as well that it was just gonna be a bad day weather too, although yesterday was prefect-o all the way around I was hoping for today to be just more the same...when I opened my front door and saw how cloudy it was I just picked up my book of "MORE STORIES FROM THE TWILIGHT ZONE" and finished a tale that I was hoping to read all in one sitting back on my birthday titled "THE MYSTERY OF HISTORY" I had been trying to read it for several weeks on and off, so without a doubt I made a promise to myself that I would at least give it a shot of finishing it when I started walking again. Boy am I glad I took the book with me for it helped smooth things out when as I was looking down at my pedometer and it read zero steps/miles I was to say in the least a bit irked with myself, that I had it on my belt at a angle so of course it wasn't tracking like I wanted it to, but oh well there is always tomorrow I guess to get it right!
Hello Webblings, So I now feel it would be a good time to share with you the second tale of where these strips like the one above started from. Last time I was talking about this was actually twelve days ago on my birthday where Spidey fought this guy known as Victor Von Doom or as he's more world widely referred in Marvel continuity Dr. Doom! In the second newspaper story the web wonder faces the first villain whom unmasked him in regular comic lore, don't know who this is do we?, well like the aforementioned Doctor this fellow also later had a sense of Green about him after first having a White suit in his own first outing where he beat Parker's faith out of him in what he was doing. In transiting the story arc Lee had this fellow ring Aunt May's doorbell while, Mary Jane finally catches up with Peter to go out with him for their first newspaper outing date. Peter of course wants to check up on dear May at her apartment in Forrest Hills (Please don't ask me why Lee has everyone in the strip living on the upscale side of things, unlike in the monthly comic, my only answer is he wanted it rooted closer to how he was raised I'd be guessing, besides the obvious answer of grounding the stories in NYC as it is now.) When he goes to opens her front door after stepping off the elevator with Mary Jane in tow, his uncanny sixth sense is blaring off the chats as they approach he hears voices of May and his foe Doc Ock.(Footnote: for comic book readers that know Ock from the comic universe, he did try to marry May Parker for she had inherited a power plant he was wanting, but of course this is different so read on, please) He wants to know why the villain is visiting so he takes it upon himself to change into his alter ego, when he realizes he would do the one thing that would scare even himself.... which is shock dear Aunt May. After this we find out since MJ can't find modeling work or a part in show biz at the current time she is trying out as the local museum guide gig as she words it, so Peter tries to find the good doctor and his aunt without their knowing while in his pursuit he runs into a old man being mugged. So since he at this time, he just found Ock and May he knowing his duty, tags Ock with one of his nifty Spider tracers to find him later, only when he does he sees that they are now at the local museum but why he doesn't know as of yet? Mary Jane is doing great as a museum guide spokesperson with Ock in the crowd that she is guiding she tells them of Red China's greatest loan to America the priceless artifact called "Dragon Idol of Kiangkow". Ock seizes his chance at getting the valuable prize by using May Parker as a diversion, by applying enough pressure to the right nerve to have her collapse, whilst he uses one his many arms to hide it on his person. Only Spidey sees what has happen in truth but gets the blame all the same when the Idol is missing! So after seeing that Ock has seen May getting home, the web slinger gives chase to get at Doctor Octopus for he knows what could happen on a political scale if he should fail at getting the "Dragon Idol of Kiangkow" back to it proper lenders, World War III.......
Gonna feel like a heckling heel after posting this yet I know I shouldn't at all, after all I've had over two and half years to choose what to do with "the stuff" stored in my folks place here in Richland Washington. Your probably wondering what "the stuff" is so here it is over two years ago my mom & Chuck were trying very hard to decide if they were sure if they wanted to keep their home here in the states or not?, so they had chosen that since the housing market was at the time "A SHAKY RISK" at best they would take at least that amount of time to decide while they had a good friend of my mother's rent it out her name is Glenda Gibbs. At the time I had to at least think about what I was going to do with "the stuff" which it turns out is a massive set of long boxes seen here ,which are full of kid you not COMICS. I also have a few other things like my own art pieces and posters that I have decided How can I part with these things!, Yet I also know my place is way to small to be a storage shed in any way possible, meanwhile I was talking with my folks of what do I wanna do with it since they have decided to sell their ol homestead. More to come over this week for sure without a doubt?!
Boy, when I truly sit down with most any book whatever it is I always find some part I love the most about it....so the question about the title of this very posting seems to baffle me?, how is it that your asking for I'm sure how outspoken about my belief in knowing GOD as I say I do here at Day life of the Matt, would make you think I am a biblical nut inside and out, right?,well I am sure as being a lover of comics you will take my word for it that YOU too, have a favorite part of any piece of everything your peepers view. With the very question asked of me my answer is this from the book of Isaiah 58:2 Yet they seek ME daily, And delight to know MY ways, As a nation that did righteousness, And did not forsake the ordinances of their God. They ask of Me the ordinances of Justice; They take delight in approaching God. To me I believe most is WE as fragile humans or even strong willed humans forget that GOD is always with us NO MATTER what we wish to put our understandings of HIM as in understanding life, HE through HIS SON Jesus knows our hearts, more than we know of HIS lessons on what the meaning of living YOUR LIFE is really about. So what the heck is life to be about your wanting know? Living YOUR everyday life is understanding LOVE in others and respect that LOVE of being accepting for what it is, this also applies to people you just meet on the street as well....
Hey you wanna know what this one will have you be mind boggled for sure, is all that I can truly say about this entry? , How is that so you wanna know huh?, Well most of us find things we know most about ourselves when we are very young. Like what our favorite toy is?, and our favorite food that we know we will always love (even for you picky eaters, there is at least something you like in eventually, and no you can't deny it either, for you know I telling a real life truth here), and like one thing I seem to talk a lot about here is entertainment. So what in the way of choices am I building up to this time? It something that goes back to everyone's basic learning trait in every way we learn of using these to determine our birth every year all the time! We use our fingers, our knees, and yes our toes even to reach a whole one, (sorry I just happen to have that ol melody about counting at the time of this writing) Oh these happen to be used on "LOST" quite a lot too. So kids also know about these from a show called "Sesame Street", but one thing is always consistent, we always have a change about these as we do most everything else in life. So have you been able to tell I talking about and no it's not counting so bad on me for misleading ya, what I'm getting at is numbers and my favorite one is a certain comic book number of my favorite comic superhero which you all know who that one is?, and here is the final clue is to my beloved all time favorite # is in this very issue the hero loses the one true love outside of Mary Jane in the whole wide world a gal named Gwen Stacy and my favorite number without a doubt is 121! so what is yours and do you have such a meaningful tale such as this as to why you cherish it so much as well!
Well the start of many things has been going on this past week even old things as well. As you all know I will soon but not all to soon be heading back to a place called Cuenca Ecuador to visit with my parents who have lived there for over three years now. I have share with you that my sister Kylie and my nephew Bryce have been here a short week known as "SPRING BREAK" for at least both of them and NOT just ONE as I said in my "Breakfast with....who are they again or something like that kinda" posting from the other day, boy I wonder how hard that will be to find.... Well anyway earlier tonight I met up with a few people I just might know I think I know these two anyhoo ,but even if I don't I'll still claim them as siblings all the same?, what do you all think on that one? We truly got together really and seriously for because our folks are here from Cuenca Ecuador to do a lot of things here in the United States before kidnapping me again to be their Prisoner in a very relaxing cell called home for them anyway. (Of course I'm joking about being a PRISONER there in Ecuador for the last two time I have visited it has been very nice there). To say everyone seeing each other brought a slight tear or two to one's eyes would be exaggerating just a little , especially when mimi and Popi brought stuff like this for the grand kids. Yet I think among all the time spent at Round Table pizza tonight beyond the "If I found a Boiled peanut" song sung by Bryce, I'd have to say the chocolate candy bars from Ecuador were a big hit with Cannon and Bryce in particular and Heidi too, even though she was tried from her gymnastics class decided to have shall we say "chocolate eye wear" just for kicks?!
Boy was earlier this morning was a good little treat for me outta the norm,anyways and here is why: My younger sister Kylie and her son Bryce are visiting here over Bryce's Spring break from school in California where they live. About two weeks ago I was talking with Kylie about something else, and this was when she had let me known she was going to be here, besides checking her Facebook updates from time to time between then till now. At about six forty five I had called Kylie and told her to call me back, for since Sunday evening it had seemed we were playing phone tag with each other. She had called me at about a little after nine last night to tell me when she'd come and pick me up for this morning. But I had been awaken a lot earlier than that this morning when my old TRAC PHONE that as I told you all I was planing on switching over the minutes over to my new TRAC PHONE in Sunday's posting later this week I was hoping early Friday morning was bleeping at a little after six fifteen this morning, I went and got it all done in the course of the hour leading up to seven realizing I still need some shut eye so I went back to bed for some ZZZZs till eight actually. I had gotten ready with a shower and some K-LOVE radio listing till Kylie and Bryce picked me up a little after nine and when I got into their car I realized that their was a whole other voice I'd never heard before chatting with Bryce as we headed to I-HOP. It had turned out that Kylie had brought her friend of who she was staying with with them to later after breakfast drop him off at daycare. I have to say meeting this little friend of Bryce's was fun for me in two ways I will tell you his name after I let you in on a little secret I think like my friend Jeff one of this kid's parents must really dig Star Trek for his name is Soran as the main villain from Star Trek's seventh movie installment called STAR TREK GENERATIONS, so I think I'm the only person who can say they know kids named in a way after Star Trek characters and now you the reader of this can as well! Here is Bryce with his chocolate pancakes,and here is Soran with his meal , and yes I'll even budge a bit and show you mine , as well. The other thing I learned about this Soran was he like Bryce and me loves comics here is proof of that and yet I'm not so sure I could keep up with kids even though I would as I have said before would like to have some of my own someday.
As you all know I am one huge fan ofSPIDER-MAN the comic book character created by the gods of comic creators Stan Lee, who created that ol Parker boy in a dying book simply known as made a character that almost anyone can relate to if a normal person,were ever gave super powers , back in the late summer of 1962. I have so many things of the character like novels, clothing, movies, and the list could and does go on forever if you really must know, people I know may say I love this fictional character as if I were married to him I don't mind that, for who knows it could be true. What I want to share with you today is that on April fools day a good pal of mine saw me grating up carts and said "Hey Matt, Ron from BFT remember me?" I just shook my head and wanted to share my riddle about a "How are a Map and a tale of the old west connected?" before I could even get the words out he said "I happen to see this at a yard sale and I told them the people he was paying I know the perfect person for this..." as Before I could ask "well what is it?" he handed me a bag from Home Depot and said " A Spider-Man pillow" I had pull it out of the bag it was a pillow of spider-man from when the first three movies came out in the earlier part of the two thousands. The pillow design itself seem to be from the second film of where he faces the multitudinous armed villain "DOC OCK", played wonderfully by British actor Alfred Molina. Here is the said pillow with a couple of other Spider-man pillows that I got a few years back at Christmas time of the webbed one crawling on it that I got from of course my brother and his family and my friend Laura who unbeknown that I already had one, still all I can say is the more the merrier.
Yesterday I was still a bit tired when I got home from visiting with my friend Jeff and his kids Christoper & Kira from on late Saturday afternoon and evening, so at any rate I eventually felt I needed a little snooze. So at a little before two thirty or just after that time in the way of a few minutes I went an crashed till four in the afternoon, when got up I felt that I finally had some energized batteries to take on the world so I threw out a couple of postings from here on the site. As nine o clock approached I was finally really to check out some of the complete Star Trek the Next Generation DVD set that Jeff had gave me as I've said before as my birthday present, I happen to pop in season three disc six which have these episodes on it "HOLLOW PURSUITS", "SAREK", "THE MOST TOYS", "MENAGE 'A TROI", I will eventually be doing a season blog posting of this whole series but for now I just watched the last two and a episode from season two of the series and the name of that episode was "THE MEASURE OF A MAN". After watching these three episodes of the Next Generation I decided to watch one of those new Yamato movies from that collection I was talking about the other day, I happen to have started it at ten thirty at night and it was still going at sometime after two in the morning before I realized I still needed some shut eye. Someday soon I will get back to watch all of those movies and believe it will take maybe a whole weekend in and of itself just to watch it all.
A funny thing has happen over this past weekend that you all have to hear it to believe it?, On Saturday in the early afternoon hours of the day I had called my friend Jeff just to see how he and his kids were doing, it just so happens I was watching the very first version of a movie called DRAGNET that lead to the TV series of the late sixties that starred Jack Webb who also had directed this. And was responsible for producing another series of decent TV in the seventies known as which I watched as a little guy right along with STAR BLAZERS . Well this take on DRAGNET didn't yet have Harry Morgan from M*A*S*H* as JOE FRIDAY'S partner so I'd guess it was about nineteen fifty eight or fifty nine that this was made. So a few minutes later after I had let Jeff go not a minute even goes by that my phone is yet ringing again I pick it up to hear Jeff tell me that his boy Christoper had found my missing TRAC PHONE from back in February that I thought had been picked off me when I was buying a very special SPIDEY beach ball at ABLY where I work. Jeff had read some of the entries of names of the TRAC PHONE to me and now I even more curious as to how I will get it to work since I threw the charger away. Still I'm thinking of just calling TRAC PHONE services and have them help me transfer the unused minutes to my current TRAC PHONE for I promised little Christoper he could have the phone once I removed what I need from the memory of the thing and hey really I can care less once I have what I want from it as to who owns the thing. I'm just have one thing on my mind that I don't understand and that is When did I leave the TRAC PHONE at Jeff's and NOT KNOW IT has me baffled and still does....
What could these robots in disguise ,or their world wherethey are from have to do with this blog today, well read on to find out.... Here is why I feel like a Atuobot or a Decepeitcon from the cartoon series called TRANSFORMERS from the mid nineteen eighties. So how is it that this series based on a Japanese toy line became so popular here in the United States really I don't know outside of a thing known a marketing. So what was Cybertron really in the TRANSFORMERS, lore that too outside of it being the two fractions, home world, that I also know not of ! What is it about that hand up above that makes it like any of these robots for is that the disguise of this very posting maybe or maybe not. Lets take a closer look at what is behind the palm that seem to be hiding something, shall we?, Whatever it is it looks like there is something of Spider-man in the mix, huh? Well what it is, is a special kind of a shirt as seen fully here with my little friend Kira pulling on me so how is this very shirt like a machine from Cybertron right well here is the very answer when it is exposed to sunlight it gives all of these Marvel comic characters colors as seen here so as you can see this very piece of apparel is in itself a TRANSFORMER in a very changing way and the only true way I'd ever part with it is if it were a living sentential life form like oh say this classic suit that later become the Spidey foe simply known as VENOM! Now I know that you ALL are still scratching your heads about my two riddles from yesterday you remember I said I would give you the answers today and here they are with the questions as well 1, Who is the one Smurf of "ALL" Smurfs who'd love April 1st or as I put it yesterday today?, Answer this one he is named Jokey Smurf! 2, How is a map and a tale of the old west connected?, Answer A Legend (Here is how I arrived with the answer for this one since I'm still thinking a lot about my story of "Clone of Me", I focused on the word story as what do most of them become over time, A Legend and I got to also thinking what is the common name of the directional key on a map known as besides a key A Legend)
Here we are with the start of a new month, which means a new background image should be here at Day life of the Matt right?, well before I get to that what I want to know was did anyone pull a prank on you today, since today was the day your friends play jokes on you with today being April first, better known as April fools day. Well I may not have actual jokes today that I have heard, but I do happen to have two riddles that will leave you thinking for quite a while of this I'm certain?, yet if you recall as well I also said I had a number of "GREEN Choices" of wallpaper images for both my monthly desktop for MARCH and as I said above here as well. Here were the ones I was looking at for my desktop: , , ,but as I said I may surprise you as well as myself and hereis what I really had a blend of when Marvel was brought by Disney in two thousand and nine I called it "The INCREDIBLE DUCK" , it done by a comic fan from the website comicvine.com. I'm sure you wanna see my choices before what I decided on for the background template here this is a unseen character from the original MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE TOY LINE, (1979-1989) his name was King Hiss and yes he was the leader of the SNAKEMEN. Well here are the other Choices I had, , ,and yes there was many more from both that I could have selected from but these were the main ones I decided on at a moments notice, yet I most certainly have great choices this time around as you can see on the outside boarder here, for the site anyway. So I'm guessing you wanna hear these two riddles to have good laugh if not a snicker at least huh? well here there are 1, Who is the one SMURF of "ALL" of the smurfs who'd love today? 2, How is a map and a tale of the old west connected? Tomorrow I will give you the answers if you haven't figured out the answers.