January 23, 2011

I did choose the RIGHT BOOK, to get me back into loving reading again

Yes I would most definitely say that with my copy of this
,which I got back around the time after my father's passing in November of last year has helped me heal in more than just with the grieving process it has rekindled my one of many loves Reading. See a couple of years ago back in (well you know what the year was:2009) I was on a fishing trip with a coworker from Albly's better known as Albertson's I won't reveal who the name is of the person, but I do feel I need to address this in this posting as well. While down on the rocks of where we were I said to this person "Hey I actually have tried giving myself a chance at writing a little story called "Clone of Me" I told the person I was really wanting to know if they could write what would they have as a story or plot they said "I DON'T KNOW but I'm sure it would be interesting or more interesting than anything you can write about...", Well let me tell you all something those very words have like Byran Adams wrote in a certain song "CUTS LIKE A KNIFE"through my very being to want to even think about being creative at all. Now just so you all know this as well, I have a friend my own age that back in the late nineties did the very same thing to me about my artwork with very( no even harsher type of words) and slowly but surely I came back to drawing again but I still feel mighty broken in my two greatest extracurricular activities of fun which is like having your soul ripped to pieces in front of you and theirs nothing you can do about it. I am working up the courage to telling my coworker what they have done to me from over two years ago but it's still taking it toll on me that I know of as well the longer I wait the more ineffective my words will be in my wanting to impact my overdue long history of two lost loves of mine. On a higher note though last night at Barnes & Nobles I picked up these two new books
, so without saying I can't just jump back into reading again would be an outright lie as well so I'm off to finish most of the "TROLLS" book knowing that it alone has brought me back to the forefront of my love of reading again.

1 comment:

Nancy Watson said...

My dear sweet Matt, I just read this post. I am so sorry that another person's comments affected you so. You know, just because someone makes a comment to you does not mean that they know what they are talking about.

Your cousin, Bo Bartlett, had the same experience as you described several years ago. He had an art exhibit in New York City. An art reviewer from the New York Times newspaper did a terrible review of his art and said that his art was not very good.

Poor Bo, he suffered terribly from these comments. He went along time without confidence that he indeed is a truly talented artist.

Just remember, people make comments without thinking how they may affect the person they are making them to. You are a very good writer and a very good artist. Just because someone says otherwise does not change the fact that you write and draw from your heart and soul. That makes you a true writer and artist.