Hello Science Fiction lovers and STAR TREK fans alike, Earlier this very morning I got done with a novel that I have had since summer time of Twenty Fourteen. There happens to be a very different version of the paperback one of this very book, but I was really lucky to have gotten a hardcover edition when I got it and here's what the paperback copy looks like.
As you can see it has a screen shot of the original Enterprise that would fly by in the opening of the original series credits. Here's what my version of the hard cover looks like don't worry seriously Spidey didn't get his webbing all over my copy, in fact while I was devouring it's words I kept the paper cover off of the book so of course it absolutely would not get damaged at all... in fact when I do read a book with it being hard cover I DO leave the paper cover at home so it doesn't get to damaged while I am also reading it. The artist for the hard cover is acclaimed fanstany illustratior Boris Vallejo. The author of this Star Trek novel is Vonda n McIntyre who also wrote the Star Trek novel the entropy effect, along with the novelization of Star Trek The Wrath of Khan and Star Trek The Serach for Spock, and of course the one with "There be whales here, Admiral..." The Voyage Home, which were novelizations of the original Star Trek films of the nineteen eighties, way before she wrote this one.Most people who read any Star Trek novels will tell you that they don't have a very great track record of being as gracious as any of the actual filmed stuff rather it being of the television series or of the movies, but I believe that if you are a understanding fan of any fandom you have the best chance of being a greatly entertained by what YOU WANT to do in full filling your value of learning to enrich your mind is essential up to YOU. I will do my kindness of being completely fair with this very review of The First Adventure. Before I really get into this review I thought you'd all like to know that I have recently got the chance to meet writer Patricia Briggs at my local comic store known as Adventures Underground, she happens to write about fantasy her series that I have is her Mercy Thompson series. In my brief few minutes of chatting with her, she said mistakes made in any hard cover edition of a book is at most times fixed when the publisher puts it into the paperback edition. Yet sometimes editorial mistakes are left in a paperback copy without being caught. Patricia also said that a few of her fans have asked at the time of meeting her in person if she would make an/a correction in their own hard cover copy an she is always more than happy to. Now back to the most interesting review of Star Trek The First Adventure.....
In this story the actual pinpoint isn't defined at all, so if it were to be chronologically recorded as a captain's log it would be listed as Stardate: unknown. James Kirk has just been promoted to the rank of captain and is ready to relieve the exiting captain Christopher Pike who has served on the United fredreation starship Enterprise whose main crew has known Pike for a little while, with the exception of a certain Vulcan named Spock. Who has served with Pike for eleven years, Chris happens to have received a promotion to commodore. There is also a renegade Klingon named Koronin in part of space known as the Arcturan system, she steals the latest space vessel of her own race for her own reasons.... Throughout this story that McIntyre has written she builds very meaningful strengths for her female characters like Uhura and Janice Rand of the Enterprise crew themselves, and also has a deeper richment for her own created females including Koronin. Her understanding of all of the male characters are very unknowable even if you do already know them. Here are two fine examples of her James Kirk and Leonard McCoy that are completely not part of cannon lore of Star Trek. For Kirk his fear of facing the unwinnable scenario here isn't in a Starfleet academy entrance test called the Kobayashi Maru scenario but in a event called the disaster of Ghioghe (NC), which also involved his friend Gary Mitchell whom we see in the episode titled "Where No Man Has Gone Before"(C). It is never mentioned if Ghioghe were meant to be in cannon but I will let it be passable I guess for now anyway. As for what McIntyre did to McCoy when we first see him on vacation isn't wrong but what is scary is he here is okay with using the Transport to beam back on board the Enterprise, is NOT McCoy. Before I reveal my rating on the story as a whole, I want to say that there is one Star Trek character in here that makes sense that he is use if not at all, but is on that hard cover copy of the novel. Now for my rating of Star Trek Enterprise The First Adventure gets a rating of C+.