Hello comic loving fans, Here we are with another review of a comic by publishing company Marvel comics which is owned by Disney since August ninth in twenty ol seven, today was kind of very special to me. While walking through the store this morning over by the seasonal alise, which use to be alise fourteen when we were Albertson's, it is now alise thirteen/fourteen but I will admit that I enjoyed Albertson's setting up of alises for my given take, because I knew exactly where everything was and now like everyone else there I mostly feel like a lost puppy trying to figure out how to hopefully help a customer. That being besides the point I have also gotten use to much of what I can under the Safeway name. I was looking at the assorted beanie babies after making through walk as to if the store needed a floor sweep with a floor duster mop, I happen to have it with me just to be safe. At that same area are magazines and cards in the magazines I had found what is seen here in
Spider-Man's arms. I took it to my locker in the breakroom. So before we get into how I'm truly wanting to be very honest of my thoughts on this highly charged forced subject, I had heard that the inner content of this seems very much possibility a flaming piece of oblivious obliteration on the fear of something STILL for the most part is uncertainty fully of unknowable unknowns of the world's current most definitely difficult virus called Covid-19. Speaking of Covid it is what the main point of this very comic and right or wrong what is best for you as an individual with the choice of decisions for you that matters most of all. The writer of this story is Paul Allor, with artistic talent by Paco Diaz C.B. Cebulski as Editor in chief. It opens with a family who is waiting to get their Covid-19 Vaccine in a local New York hospital with their grandpa named John. They happen to be watching a live news broadcast of Earth's mighty heroes known as the Avengers are in a fight against their adversity Ultron. Who is using his army of himself to fight them just six blocks away from the hospital. The mother of the family asks her best friend, her husband if they should be asking the hospital staff to turn off the television that is airring the live feed of what is happening, he responds with a practical point of "IT'S THE WORLD WE LIVE IN. AND THE AVENGERS ARE DOING WHAT THEY CAN TO PROTECT US. " John the grandfather, tells them of one time he recalled knowing of another fight with Ultron the team had and what he remembered of how they dealt with their spreading trouble maker by adapt and evolve to stop him. John admits that he himself had heard about all of that time from a friend of his, to his daughter and the rest of the family. When his grandson, who is waiting for a vaccination shot as well indicates that from what they are looking at is pretty scary. The father of two grandchildren now wonders are they all safe in the hospital at all too? In the end we come to find out that John when he was younger worked as a foreman for the company that cleans up after super humans fights that team is called Damage Control. Then the whole family go to... well here's a better way
of sharing that part of the story! Now I really feel that now that this rampant pandemic has certainly caused a lot of deaths to millions of people around the world no matter how old you are what is the real question about getting the whole planet and ALL OF US actual little people because in the grand scheme of everything that WE ALL deal with Covid is now effectively evolved into something very similar to every virus or aliment that we can get any day. Does wearing a mask rather medical or a cloth one as advised pervent us from getting Covid since as I just said it's just like any kind of cold or viruses now that it has been impact full by other means now. All that I can really say is at the end of each day you have to realize that you are making the most important and personal life decisions that you feel are right for you! Before I reveal my grade for this very comic, I want you all to know that I have come up with a new subheading for when your looking for my reviews of comic books in this upcoming year... and yes this is my first one for the start of twenty twenty three. My overall opinion for this comic grade wise is a F. Here is my reason of why it gets that very grade is because this story wants to put all of into fear of the unknowable newest scariest thing we are still trying to learn about... shouldn't a comic story of any kind present a problem, rather non-fictional or fictional and let us, the reader be able to completely understand what is happening when it is talking about a particular real life event and let us decide what WE DO with our own human brains that will keep trying to be safe in this very interesting world of ours! Oh and please above all else ALBOUSTULELY enjoy whatever it is you are reading even if it's not a comic, because it brings you joy that matters most of all!