July 01, 2021

We can be strong in our Everyday Helping Other People Everywhere...

Hello All,                                                                                                                                                        Can I truly ask you something and I know that I will be getting all kinds of very different responses to this question. Since the start of the world wide pandemic known as Covid-19 went an put the whole planet into a constant state of being frozen or at least how it would been witnessed by everyone to a certain degree have you seen the most important aspect of the human species simply vanished? To me I have always known that everything comes with risk of some kind, because if we never put ourselves up to facing a problem how do we at all understand if we are able to challenge ourselves when we are encounter it or something very similar. Today I want to get to the Breeziest. Ideals. Gatherings. Groupings. Extinctions. Supportive. Throughout,  hey I went an just made a anagram out of the word B.I.G.G.E.S.T. I wonder if it has a meaningful impact on my topic at all? Overall like every other anagram you know that  I have created,  it simply does....         No matter what our language barriers are around the city you live in or for that very matter the world has been impacted in a whole new way by this very pandemic called Covid-19. It has shown that WE AS A SPECIES, have as with anything that is dangerous and damaging been as always very outspoken in each our own way of feeling safe! Of course WE ALL, as individuals do know to that every part of existence comes from being full of great hope for some it comes from letting others do all of the laboring of dealing with helping us stay safe, yes in this very context I am referring to those of us that are beyond our working age of 65 or whatever it will be by my time of exiting the work world in my retirement years,  yet what of those of you whom believe that you don't need to work because you want to live off of someone else's good deeds? I can honestly say that I want to try my best to share with everyone why  WE CAN'T ALWAYS be getting whatever we want. So all that I can say is buckle up because I feel like I may cry for while even if you don't understand me by my words, you will know my feelings about the true evils of the world and why making it more positive is our goal for all future generations of all lives and not just humanity itself!                                                                                                           Where to start with this would be is that as you all know I have tried my hardest when writing these blogs to be as encouraging as possible with every idea that I have, and write from the heart and soul to getting us all to understand that even when everything is just okay from time to time with what is going on in the world rather  very bad, very good,  or in fact mostly very unknown! It is the very unknown that I really want to devote my words to this time around about the pandemic called Covid-19 and what it helped make disappear for us as species and I am not kidding myself or you the reader I just want to share why we need to be Strong during our status of unawareness as best that I can, for hiding from fear is okay yet if we never venture beyond our given comfort zones how can WE BE OUR MOST USEFUL AND EFFECTIVELY STRONGER as a species...okay I will admit maybe I have thrown out more questions than anything but here we are with hopefully answers too.                                                                                                                              The world has always been full of problems as we all should know, and at the same time we KNOW that in many ways we the species of humans who are put here on this extremely beautiful planet we call earth are wanting to for whatever reason wanting to destroy each other with either very powerful weapons or with whatever we say at times. It is on the weapons front that some came up with a mixture of different viruses that has been going from person to person around the entire world and has been affecting us like a cold from the inside an has weaken all no matter if we are very old or very young. I myself had actually started hearing about this new virus as most did through word of mouth as far back as late into August of twenty nineteen, as to how it affected me at the time I had let it be just be a very small amount of thoughtfulness, yet I didn't go and dwell on it because I was fortunate enough to understand that I really needed to save my energy for working at my job at Albertson's. I am of the belief that we all as humans or people want to be able to help not only ourselves right now, we also are willing and want to be kind and be there for friends who are hurting from more than just the unknowable unknowns of this thing called Covid-19 right?                                                                                       Here is what this whole entry is totally about with one more quick tease, "WHO DO YOU  TRUST? ME OR..." is from what nineteen eighty nine movie? As I have said many times before then one thing this world has been missing for a very long time even before the current times with the pandemic included is TRUST in building our world into a whole lot better place for existing as just people. What is the meaning of that very word TRUST in how we each define our own lives? For me, I want to say that I use Trying. Realized. Understanding. Strengths. Throughout. there again, I wasn't meaning to be overly specific but I came upon how trust is a anagram without thinking of it.... yet if we as people don't grasp how to add these traits to ourselves by how we learn about real resources of knowledge an apply it to our souls to grow our neediness of respectively respecting not just humanity but all aspects of all life even when we know that somewhere deep down inside of us is a completely conceived unique emotional stance to hate spiders or snakes yet they too help keep existence balanced by eating mice or flies take your pick of my sharing of how everything is so beautifully balanced in making our existence far more equal even when we're more willing to run away from fearful things.       I am just  wanting to remind everyone that at the end of each day ,you nor I can honestly say what willingly is able to be our given time on this extremely beautiful planet we all care about called EART all we can really do is remember what of our learning experience has taught us to be kind and loving with respect to everyone we all come in contact with and help them out with their day by giving them our humbleness of "Hello how are you doing this greatful day". I really was wondering how you see that the pandemic is starting to improve hopefully? was my message of helping you find your own innovative strengths in being absolutely capable of knowing that your way of helping everyone in anyway really does matter!               Please think outside of yourself, and help a neighbor with cleaning their garage or mowing their grass, or helping them out by shopping for them and their family.  By helping our neighbors out maybe we can really get background in understanding loving and respectful understanding of how neighborhood watch programs can keep out those that only want to spread fears to be powerful. All that I can say is yes we all want to be helpful in sharing our experiences of getting out of this pandemic we are in, and to do that we have to know deep down inside of us all over the world we can not win and be successful by using our knowledge to tear each other down for our mistakes. WE HAVE TO BE KIND AND HONESTLY PATIENCE WITH OUR GROWING OF HOW WE VENTURE    INTO LEARNING TO Summarize TRUSTING SOMEONE!                                                                  Now I feel that I can move on to talking about something else that I really am hoping will be worth exploring closer to the end of this month with my favorite set of nineteen eighty toy line with a upcoming cartoon production by Mattel toys and Kevin Smith known as Masters of the universe Relevation on Netflix. Here is what I have had on not only my background plate of the site, 

seen here... and when I have been opening my tablet for a month of time here is what I saw 

            this. Then on my main menu I went a found a image of HE-MAN looking for answers of contacting the sorceress in castle Greyskull 

 from the series of
FlLMATIO production, in the premiere episode titled "Diamond Ray of Disappearance". The majority of the future posts for this month will be of my review of of that series in chronological order from the way the should have aired along with my idea of a what is now known as a fan based movie as well.  Finally here is the image on my phone when I turn it on 
I have this of myself with a really nice painted sea lion from my most recent vacation with my folks on a road trip from the Olympic peninsula of my home state to the beaches of Oregon coast. Which was back this past May!