Haven't done a whole lot today, even though it is late into the first evening of twenty eighteen. Known better as January 1st, I can saw that I Matt Byrd have no true idea of what the whole coming year will behold for any creature that has been created to this point in our existence known as the journey of life. I know also that not the whole blue and green colored planet called earth doesn't all celebrate the incoming new year on the exact day of the new year. For example the Chinese New Year for this year of twenty eighteen isn't official until February sixteen. Which is still seven full weeks away, and their animal symbol for next year is that of the DOG.... So I guess all the Benjis, Tigers, Scooby-Doos, Wonder Dogs better be on the lookout regardless if your fictional or not. Extra credit for naming each fictional dog's actual show or series that they are in!
In truth beyond anything in this existence of ours known as life, we can only take each twenty four hours for what they are! I'm not being a know it all in any given way, but life is always about the choices we each human make rather we can see that set of results of those selective effective activities end. It is simply the cause and effect cycle of impact on ourselves....
Okay here is a very fine example of what I am talking about choosing a choice on a personal level that I have strong feelings and emotions about no matter what. I have been always in the way of living life that I shouldn't be TEMPTED into doing illegal type of Drugs like Cocaine, Acid, Meth, and even Marijuana the drug that former president Barack Obama made legal to make one less drug being not so much a problem for law enforcement agencies to worry about, but it is still up to each state of the united states to determine IF that is protecting that state's citizens. My thought on ILLGEAL DRUGS is this "Drugs hurt us,when we don't have real crucial information of why our empowering temptation is influenced by our knowledge that we feel is right and our decision is by feeling only. Here is what I found what worked BEST for me... I SAW IN MY HEAD THAT MY PEERS HELD Matt Byrd TO THE GROUND FORCING ME TO EAT CIGAETTES! I have kept that as rooted in my heart as the old saying " I LOVE YOU" and I know that I won't be ever easily put against a wall without why I don't DO DRUGS. Another choice in my life that is more questionable in a way that even I find HARD to explain is how I feel about the emtion of LOVE. I know from my experience with life as you all do life isn't full of answers in understanding love other than you need to share that with family most of all. I guess the best to looking at what love is besides every thing we all understand that my game that I started last year fits very well here, HOPE is what we all need even me the writer of this very blog.
Now I know that it has been fully apparent, that for a long while that I haven't been sure of what to use as my desktop images or picture wise for the site so it will take a bit of time but I am going to be putting a effort to being creative besides word wise this upcoming year.