March 01, 2017

......This Time It is HEROES THAT are Blue and Yellow together (pt. 1 of 17)

Hello lovers of the colors of spring time leaves.......
          Every once in a while it happens to take me a bit of a while to finish a project fun at times, yet a few years ago leading up to Saint Patrick's day I had a cluster of comic book people or any entertainment for that matter be shining rather brightly if you will! Well this year I do kind of want to play that game again. Yet this time it is with HEROES instead of foes. How is a hero defined anyway, your asking well every hero rather real or imagined has a moral center to help those who are in need of  needing help or hope with everyday life. 
         These will incudes a bit of what I know of these heroes background and why they matter to yours truly related to the mass media as well.
    Here is number seventeen to the countdown of Saint Patrick's Day HERO RUN!

My choice for the out of reach hero on this list is the Transformer of the good guys known as Autobouts. His name is Hound he is one of the original team members of living robots that is stuck on planet earth after the long and now never ending War with the Decepticons  for control of the universe has raged on according to history of generation one's timeline four million years ago on their home planet of Cybertorn.  Hound was the one who got to know the human boy known as Spike Witwicky by showing him his transform mode of a jeep and going for a joy ride in the desert near the Autobots crashed ship known as the Ark. Hound saves Spike from flooding his engine at Sherman dam when the Decepticons try bring massive source of energy to them to make Engron cubes the source of both robot armies fueling to keep them functioning. Hound is capable of making holograms in tactful plans to fool his foes. 
     His quote on his toy packaging is this "Observe everything, remember even more" his power ranks out at six on the cards seen on the back of the toy

, seen here. He was voiced by Ken. Sanson for the English of American cartoon series. He was last seen in Transformers the movie from nineteen eighty six and I was living in Maryland at the time and saw it at Lake Forrest mall's movie theater Hound was in the scene where Optimus  Prime comes to save the Autobots on earth as they face the onslaught of the Decepticons  in the year two thousand and five he is with his pal SunStreaker 
from an actual place called LOOKOUT MOUNTION. If Hound were to have a song that makes him memorable I think for me it would have to be   "Born To Run" for him because if you listen to the lyrics of the song itself it is full of observation of life itself. along with it being also a story of things one would do along the road or as the song says "along the Highway". Now before I jump into the rounding out of this entry let me say there could be other Autobots on this list just maybe who really knows.........
     Now it is time for our regular chess match of playing moves and if I recall right I had the last match be between  these  star Trek foes known as Orion slaves women seen here   
matching wits with those creepy blue skinned aliens that are called Andorians in which one is seen here

,giving you a rather cunning look like he might just have something up his blue arm or in a  closer spot   than even your aware of! I will say this mainly because of this month being all about being growing and even though I know that technically I would say that this fight should go to the Andorians I'm just going to give it to those slave dancers because as much as I know about Star Trek universe I will admit that I still truly don't know everything of the whole alien kettle of corn for I still have watch all of the series that ran from two thousand and one till Two thousand and five it is known as Star Trek Enterprise set before the original series timeline wise. Gong,Gong, the winner are the lesser known Slave girls this time around. For the next waging war I'm going to really throw one at you the players this time aren't human at all but rather living entities non the less! Player one is the thing commodore Matt Decker tired to beat with his ship 

then used Jim Kirk's instead......  The other living entry in the upcoming April Chess match was seen in well how can I say it the best of the original series for all star Trek fans in a episode titled...... No Nope not gonna trick me into giving you a clue other than this  

- Bones changes history! 
   To kind of tie into next month puzzle of next month chess answer on the site here I went searching in  February for a Blue hearted stone and this just literally suck me into my own heat with that very search

seen here. As well as this very similar unframed dark soul of BLUE SOULNESS       

         adored my monitor and had myself really doing some much needful heart to heart with who is it that I am most times in a spiritual seeking way more than just everything I have heard from my fellow men breakfast group  on every Saturday morning, yet I am finding that everyday existence is always a set of choices that are really made by yours truly no matter who thinks otherwise.