February 22, 2017

Words on words play getting tougher or not....

Hello All,
As you all know dear readers of this very site are aware of it was at the last few days of last year in the month of December that I came up with a really hopeful way of keeping yourselves very active in your way of everyday thinking. Or at least I am wanting to be readily responsible for it I would love to believe so? You all recall our last two words of those two months were that we made into other words the first of course was HOPE, and the second will be revealed in just a few minutes with the word that you were given was Q.U.E.E.N.   Now before  we get to all of that grand spilling of expanding already existing words into even tougher ones, I am wondering if you my good readers  can tell me from this class photo over the side on the upper portion of this very entry can you tell me where I am  on it? Here is a bit of a leaping into your heart type of surprise back when this was taken I had something that I haven't got right now.... it's  hair of course of what it is that I'm hinting at?  
Now on the word known as Q.U.E.E.N. here is what I came upon as my expansion of the whole word Quickly. Understanding. Escalating. Escape. Nesscestiles. What were some ones that you came up with? 
Well I know you are all looking forward to what is my next word that we are going to play with. First of all here are two very much needed clues for this upcoming word play 
1. We all have this as our beginning of life, after being born?
2. My own of this very thing is next month on the 24th? 
Okay if you guessed for the month of March is the word B.I.R.T.H.D.A.Y. you are consuming to much cake if it is yours, which is fine by any means just don't make yourself sick ok. Oh and have fun with the game again. Thanks for reading!              

February 21, 2017

To understand the meaning of our journey time of....well humanity's hope is?

Okay Seriously I'm not being directly PREACHY just practical with what I'm saying.....
     Boy let me Matt the author of this very blog site ask you all, a very hopeful idea to think about. Are we as humans able to understand everything we try to pursue  in learning about this beautiful bule and green planet always right with our answers to life's questions of dealing with our time called existence? Now I am NOT GOING to say that by reading this entry will have your actual answers be answered but maybe, just maybe your brain will be a little bit more full of understanding that YOU OR I  can be patient in wanting to completely be taken at why we understand those answers to said questions even if we are given just a small sample of a much BIGGER inquiry to the reason of the asking to begin with.
       I know that we all as who we are as humans have a great many type of stuff we all like, weather we are of either gender of sex male or female we may come to find out through our liking of certain things like sports or music is to nearly everyone's bit of caring about what we may consider of such personal importance. Yet even if your main likes are of a more polar nature such as world politics that is just fine as well, I guess what it is that I'm getting is we can use our given taste of our loves in life to give us a better understanding of where we are in life. We can always choose to enrich our minds  with something new that we might of been very picky about as a young child. By enriching our everyday lives with something  is always a strength we can have.....
     WE ALL EVERY SINGLE HUMAN MUST KNOW that we are brought into existence by our mother's womb and after the doctor cleans off  the fluid that kept us growing for nine months WE ARE EXPOSED FOR THE FIRST TIME to our very FIRST EXPRINCE of  breathing and WE LET OUT OUR FOUND little voice, which is more of OUR  yell or cry  because of coming into a new journey known as life. As we grown into the person we are life teaches us to obey our elders for they know what is best for us.....          
            I believe as we have these choices of experiences in life we have to be full of  kindness and wisdom from what we learn in life, whatever paths we choose for ourselves in the way of jobs, loving our fellow humans we  must always remember that as much as we dare to be ever fearful at times, we also have to be challenged by new adventures...... as to really understanding what makes us better as a species is to always realize that  we can help our fellow friends or even those we don't know with a simple greeting at times of "HELLO".
       I as you can see have included a three pictures here the one of He-man's foe of Skeletor has been gracing my tablet for a few months now
, I will admit I haven't gotten into drawing for a very long time yet I believe with my upcoming trip to Japan in late April through mid May later this upcoming year will  hopefully be the start of penciling again.....yet this Skeletor staring at me gives me great determination of computer art as well. Also let me show you all the two images that really had me thinking about the title of  this very entry itself.... a few years ago

I had a idea that I'm still coming out here on the blog itself was about  a "BLUE SUN" story idea. when I went an found the above photo of a simple human trying to find a time to come on to planet earth and experience the scope of existence. It later came to me more as "A Forrest Grump waits for Jenny at the crossroads of  a chocolate wrapper is earth colors, really?" The other photo that got me into the topic that I writing of is more of a personal reaction

of  what I usually love to reading of anything called science fiction, I'm calling this one "Acceptance of GOD by Greys aliens is very common". Now see I  just broke my own rule about not bring GOD into this one. Still I hope that I have reached into the thoughts of you the reader at looking into what should be our driving factors into understanding hope within humanity is like life for all of us ever changing as we all are of every moment of everyday.                 

February 01, 2017

Stepping stones to LOVE (pt.1of 14)

Before we begin I want everyone to know no matter what understanding LOVE is very....... 
    Hello all,
          Look I know each year around this time of the second month of every year we as humans are suppose to understand that one emotion should always be with us for everyone we know, that very emotion is of course known as Love  yet I won't even deny that all of us as the flesh and blood creatures that we are do know the reasons of why we like something from an outside influence does eventually become known as Love at some point. Even though I have in the past shared of ways of hopefully getting to know a person in a safe and gentle way what I want to express in this and the next thirteen parts is how can we be calm when life seems to throw both males and females high "RED ALRETS" of "TEMPTIONS OUR WAY, now I am writing this for anyone and everyone that has had a bit of  Tough understanding of LOV. So where is it that I'm going to take this will be even a grand surprise even to me at times......
        When we know that existence of every building block of life is much like a piece of sand on any given beach is related to DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) for in a way even if you say a human isn't made up of molecules so are nonliving things such as sand which when there is a lot of it is known as dirt when enough is mounted together, when said dirt is exposed to the movement of wind over several eons will become harden into stone or and rocks. Much like as humans as we grown into the people we are to be forged into at times have moments of our intake of knowledge be like the air at times being wrong for us because it isn't truly clean or rather clear of what our bodies and minds choke on as good or heathy for us, when we don't understand things we more or less put our own foot in our own mouths. What my point is, is we are all full of simply put hardness at times, sorry didn't mean for part this to be part of a science lesson....... or did I?
        Everyone for the most part learns about LOVE  from our mothers and fathers we are shown how to be nurturing from our mothers, and from our fathers we learn how to be full of strength in the way of respecting others. Then at sometime of when we are all understanding of reading (for anyone and everyone this is varying of course...) we learn of Our Creator's LOVE from if not our parents but hopefully it is our mothers and fathers that teach us of GOD'S real purpose of living life is to always understand that  LOVE in the way of just feelings is more than just about only OURSEVLES......
          If WE ARE to fully understand the meaning of LOVE  WE have to know that no matter what like anything in our existence  LOVE is above all else showing our inner souls for what they are at first and foremost...... a tender bit of at first small hope to a new person we can know as a friend......
           Now onto something that is just as unsolvable as the emotion of LOVE is yet again my grand Chess game of last month which was  the omnipotent Q  from the far future of a science fiction series called Star Trek TNG and his captain seen here 

 of the twenty fourth century battling it out with a captain of the past century and his very much like omnipotent contender known as TRELANE seen below 
         Now I can only for the time being say that I was hoping to get the novel I mentioned at the end of the first post of this year, yet I still may look for it closer to my next aging day it is called Q SQAURED..... yet if I were to just go on my gut guess of who the winner of these two powerful beings I will say for now It is Q! The next upcoming war of Star Trek foes of unknowable aliens are for the month of March 2017 it will be an Orion slave girl seen here

and that race that call themselves Andonians  

shown here. Now of course comes the part you have all been waiting for what were last month's plate here at the site were suppose to be well that wait is over as I unveil this:

Archie is the center of attention for Betty the blonde and Veronica the dark haired gal on the right of the steps. I call it "Tough Choices Mister A!"

   As to what has been staring at me throughout the month of January was what I call "A well earn sweet dish for Three shaking kids"

As to where this LOVE of stones goes well come back tomorrow......
