Happy Thanksgiving to all (for real this time)
Hey there, now I know that I actually wrote of my family one just yesterday but I hope everyone who is reading this is having a very grand Thanksgiving today. I had to actually work for what I always reinforce as my well maybe millions of other people call it this too I just don't "Turkey Day". I was of course thinking of all of my many branching families that I know of like my folks of course, my many cousins and their gatherings today also that of many friends while pushing carts and bagging groceries of the few people who forgot all kinds of little stuff, then about one thirty I ran into my ol high school pal Sondra Smith seen here with me
,from earlier tonight at her house. She was at the store with her sister in law and had invited me to gracefully join her and her family when I was able to get off from Albertsons, which I thought was three thirty and had told Sondra of that and to give me to four fifteen to go home and change into something other than working duds I gave her my address so she could come get me since I don't drive ever.....then I came to find out that we were so slow at Alby's that they let me go home a whole hour early at two thirty. So I found Sondra in massager on Facebook and let her know that I was able to come a bit earlier if she wanted me to be available sooner rather than later. Since I had the time I thought I would go through my closet for what I thought was best to wear which in turn took a lot less time than I actually thought it would. She pick up my message still at close to four away which I was ok with I mean everyone is busy talking about family stuff so I could relate and understand on that given note of richness.
So once we got to her house I was introduced to her husband Darin's side of the family that was visiting. Here is what was about their whole kitchen
,in the way of goodies.While I enjoying spending time of consuming my choice of those very set of plate toppers I also was delighted to be in very good conversations about family stories of my friend's husband and his neat collecting habits, and the most interesting of places of where Darin found said type of unique treasures. I went and shared that I was highly involved in besides reading a lot these days the online game
,seen here. It is known as Star Trek Timelines. After enjoying my plate which is seen here.
Not most of Sondra's brunch but the grandparents and Sondra and I went to go and witness her son Elijah Edwards playing musical chords on his electric piano
in his room downstairs.
Then as I was enjoying watching the game of Football for Thanksgiving day and enjoying these pieces of pie seen here
, I got to chat with Darin about both the big two American Si-Fi franchises known as Star Wars by Gorge Lucas and Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek series, we also chatted about new books and old classics.....While this was in play Sondra's other son Cade was busy playing the card game "Old Maid" with two of his younger cousins, which was fun to observe for sure!
Now I might be getting ahead of myself by saying this, but I truly know that we as a species all have our own take on what the meaning of being thankful for means and that is fine I hope.....yet for myself I always am thankful for the small things just as much as family and friends are for me being their small invite to a HUGE family gatherings or the one needing to eat a very tiny microwavable meal if need be because of the place GOD chooses for me to be at during any given holiday matter more than that green printed paper known as DOUGH, for GOD and Jesus his son know that I care about their matters more than my own...whatever they maybe?