June 19, 2013

On the cartoon road of........

Hello to any and every artist out there,
Now I know that with such a colorfully detailed opening greeting you would be thinking you are gonna need a bag of Skittie candies or maybe some other colorful given yummy to scarf down, while ingesting this one read of many forms of change. You bet, I am still on a Superman thread of ideas stirring around in my jolted knowledgeable noggin of mine after witnessing Man of Steel or for those who have yet to see it MOS. I got to thinking late this morning and even a little form last night sure without a doubt there are many varied takes of Kal-El, but even outside of comics is what I'm driving this time. Also to make the understanding of this journey complete I was at the same time thinking of a path or if you will a road to take this into and at first I was thinking of a dirt road, and then a crosswalk came to mind so I knew it was now a paved street crossing if you will of where my brewing tanks were heading. Then I came across this image 
,after I was typing into my web browser Orko for a search the character, and then I recalled that famous road the Beatles had a classic image of for their eleventh recorded album 
, known better as Abbey road in London. So after finding many different takes on Dear ol Abbey road in cartoon form and with it being more related to comics I was able to find this 
,which had me rolling on the floor especially with the Deadpool character's word balloon, which reads "What have you people done with John Lennon and the other Beatles...?"  now I know you all think I'm talking about two subject here right?, Well it is true I am at that! No matter what I'm saying in all of the text. Let me say this about ALL cartoon take offs of the Last son of Krypton, any and all forms have one bit of greatness besides yours truly loving them and that being would be rather if a whole another comicstrip  character as in say a animal like these two       

seen here of of a certain beagle named Snoopy who always took a fancy to being modeled like the Red Barron. Or that other great comic strip animal known as Garfield the Orange cat who would do anything for food wise in great peril, especailly though for a pan of lasagna in distress. And then you can't without a doubt forget those even smaller animals known as Ants 
or Mouses. Now I did happen to say two of in the way of Mouse did I not, well in answer to Mighty Mouse not having his iconic yellow set of spandex he to like Atom Ant came from cartooning ideas, but back to the Mouses related question I think either a fan of Micky Mouse's went and did this powerful smashing take on 

the Mouse of steel before, or after, his namesake company known as Disney bought  Superman's comic rival of Spider-Man's Marvel Comics in late summer of two thousand and nine. There is always hope for Scooby Doo to always be more like his above seen nephew Scrappy Doo of never being fearful or maybe more like Scrappy hero of Under Dog seen here

, although I think Scooby has had a few note I say few rather lightly, since we all know he's down fall is like Garfield's being food but also hunting ghosts don't set to well with him either.  Then without a doubt there is always the sailor known as Popeye that has tired to match muscles with the Kent boy since they were both toons in the late thirties to forties made by Max Fleiscther 
,productions. But of course we can't for whatever reason BIG or little like they are can't leave out those three apple height sized characters known as SMURFS from this list of who is much like Superman in cartoon form but I would caution you choose wisely between Hefty Smurf

or this more famous one 

with glasses to save damsel in trouble Lois Smurffeete if you will?  And Finally for some reason or other I can always see Santa Claus coming 

to the fortress of Solitude asking to be having super powers if he didn't have his little helpers known as Elves around to make his toys for little children can't you? AS to what all these other takes of the man of steel have that he does not is not a weakness because he has Kryptonite for that but a better wording would be flatus in the case of how they are different from one as perfect as Superman.    

June 16, 2013

So here's a grand review of MOS

Hello to comic fans and everyday moviegoers,
   I just got back from seeing the much hyped and looted to here at the site over the past sixteen days movie that I have waited for since last May when I saw in a quick trailer during THE AVENGERS
movie of a breaded guy on a shrimper boat, and him walking down a snowy road, then as a child about the age of eight or nine playing with a red blanket around his shoulders and all of sudden a streak of clouds with something or was it someone being that blur in the sky, then I saw this 
an knew it was a new take on the guy seen on the series known as "SMALLVILLE" better known as  Superman. I knew that from the fragments I witnessed in that very teaser trailer what was going be one of my for sure to sees of films for the coming year. Hence we are now a whole year later I want to say before this is said and done our local movie reviewer known as MR. MOVIE gave the much abbreviated MOS as I have called it gave it a whopping two and half bags rating, which I know he tells of how the movie was in his option way low as you'd guess outta five bags rating being top knock in any movie reviewer takes on any given movie. But here after seeing the movie I think that there should be a six star rating of all movies I will get to my point of the meaning of this at the end this entry.  There is no doubt that this like any film based on Superman (with the exception of Superman III)  has a history of his origin included with a bit of a difference being, that we get to see a lot more about his home planet of Krypton, Many that know of the Christopher Reeve era of Superman movies know that the three super criminals had their crime depicted in dialogue only, where in this new version, we get to see part of the very crime enacted on a certain Kryptonain not saying who but had put a device into his own son's gene code before sending him to a safer planet to live on. Don't get me wrong by any means this movie is full choke of in you face action, it is directed by 300's, WATCHMEN, SUCKER PUNCH director Zack Snyder and co produced by Christoper Nolan of the latest set of Batman movies. In this film besides the alien known as Kal-El coming to know of his own heritage, while coping with being a seaman at sea he has flashbacks to his first recuse of some kids who are human from a drowning school bus and saves his tormentor Peter Ross. We come to find out that both of his fathers Jor-El his true dad from Krypton and his earth father Johnathan Kent loved him no matter what! Kent played by Kevin Costner has great scenes with both Diane Lane and Henry Cavill who portrays the hero himself known here as Kal-El. From all the things she has heard of this Clark Kent fellow a news reporter for the Daily Planet finds him in the middle of a attack on the whole planet by a guy known as Zod. While still unsure if he is to be like Zod himself Kal let's the united states government question him about his reason of being on earth anyway. 
With the intent to finding a way to make the planet earth into a new Krypton Zod and his army kidnap both Kal and the news reporter to make their only intention known to terraform one planet into another won't stop ever. Kal offers Zod many times to just stop this insane madness, and Zod's only answer always is "Death will befall one of us Kal you or I". In the end Kal breaks Zod's neck as he tries to hurt a whole innocent family. So when push comes to shove Superman kills only when he has no other choice in the matter. Okay now here comes why I think some movies if not all do deserve a sixth bag or star rating when the movie relates to a topic of such debate of real events in someway or other it shall mean something to us all, in the case of this movie before it ends with Clark Kent starting out at the Daily Planet, He reassures us of the matter of Trust in one another when he slams down a satellite that the good ol USA use to find out more about him. Even though most of us know what truth or trust is let me ask you do we feel it more or act it out more I think we do the latter more than we should and isn't that just plain wrong when it comes to TRUST at all? The movie title by the way is MAN OF STEEL if you were wondering what the acronym stood for 

till now!                         

Just Because every father needs to hear.....

Hello to all who are a Father, 
    With today being the day that we are to remember the father figures in our lives, I hope everyone of us remembers in part our Heaven Bound one as well. I know that most of us think of our earth fathers with strength, pride, a great cook at the summer events we all tend to every year. What is also very important about any man who is a father or will be one soon should look on this part of one's life as a gift of a time to share about your youth with your own kids generation, weather it it about spending time sharing memories or doing anything that you love with them is what's most ideal about being a father to begin with.I know that even though I did find it hard to express my own feelings toward my own earth bound dad I knew that deep, deep, deep down in my core of my soul even if I couldn't find the right way to say these three words " I LOVE YOU" I did anyway. Getting back to our Heaven bound Father I wonder just out curiosity not that am I asking do YOU believe in him anymore or any less than YOU did before in YOUR life, but DO YOU think he as well as your earth bound dad wouldn't mind hearing those three very words when you spend time with HIM. To Chuck Watson I know that your a always the type of man that knows by how you spend time with your wife in a day to being special and even though your my step father and I don't get to say it or feel it is the right time to express it I LOVE YOU, most for being the type of father that you have been to your own two children Lyle, and Merri Watson and to thee now adult kids named Matt, Micheal, and Kylie Byrd. Thank You for being the most hopeful and loving person that you are!        

June 13, 2013

What is the famous meaning of the "S" shield?

What IS IT on the mind of this Very
Kryptonain, that relates to his big "S" symbol on his chest that we little humans find so SUPER POWERFUL?

June 10, 2013

So while on a (MOS) build up how about this?

Hello to all,  
With the many things I have thought of to share with you all about ANY and ALL things related to (M.O.S.) ,what could that acronym be standing for? Well you guess is as good as mine is on that front! Super early in the wee hours of this morning I was coming up with names to some old Hostess comic ads that were in actual comic books of the day in the late nineteen seventies and early nineteen eighties. The first one I saw related to (M.O.S.) was this little gem called 
Superman Saves_hostess. So I simply renamed it Comic ad of Hostess featuring Superman SaveWhat? now I will admit that before coming up with that name as the title I hadn't viewed it at all. I only knew of it as a Hostess company ad for promoting their very product. Now that it has been a little less than a year since the shut down of Hostess's bakeries, I see people of all kinds still wanting to know who the owners of Hostess will sell to put out their most famous little sponge cakes known as Twinies to? For all of the other companies like Little Debbie's of Franz and even unknowns are making mass productions of their own form of Twinies like cakes and doing very Super NO PUN intended!     

June 06, 2013

The bio of L.L. of the the new movie called (MOS) pt. I of III

"Hello I'm new to Superman lore or am I?, Find out if you know my many secrets because you know I was a BIG FAN of HIS as much you are?, Ready to be exposed Ready or Not....."   

June 03, 2013

My own history of knowing the character known as........(pt I of III)

So do I happen to reveal anything truly juicy about the new movie that this very shield represent? Read on my friend if you DARE......  

June 02, 2013

Two SUPER books at once ......

Hello to all Super Waiters,
I know that I have yet to finish the book seen here
, but I got through a lot of the cool parts while on the train ride to Toronto Canada as I said on my posting of the fourteenth of lat month. I just have to find the time to either get it done and start reading one of these two books  
that goes hand in hand with all the other  stuff that is Super in this month's major postings that will lead into a movie being what the end results will be? I will be on the look out for at least three comic trades of this very character when I do get the chance to go to Adventures Underground which I hope will be real soon? Okay maybe it should have been three Super books at once for I have played that very game as well.                                  

June 01, 2013

Time for a new renewal

Hello all,
 Well as you know here it is the start of a whole new month, and I have been busy since last night or rather since seeing "INTO DARKNESS" for a second time if when one needs new ideas can you just peel away a new layer of thoughts? Here is my own answer "YES one can but at the same time one needs to rest real well and not overstress about things. I am very sure you can tell I have been a bit off key of when I've been coming to my blog to put new stuff out there. I saying that even though I wanna have to know when I need real rest time and even still today I haven't found a easy way to crash into rest. Still I have a been so overworked in wanting that rest that the only thing that I can come up with in the way of thoughts is what movie do I really wanna go see this month? So I have in every way possible am going use my noggin to the upcoming feature of the guy you see off on the outer frame of the site's plate, so in every way possible the month of JUNE of 2013 is meant to be "Super Related"or maybe "Steel Infused" posts. With that, let's go hopping to see what the plate here was just as of yesterday shall we, as you know last month Marvel's Iron Suited guy known as T.Stark had his fourth outing if you count this little gem       
, which I do and NOT because of it being the BEST comic team movie ever done. I'm NOT saying it's my favorite one of comic book movies but it's in the running for sure. Now back to the plate of May in honor of Tony Stark's fourth outing I had happen to pick this one 
,in which he seems to be taking on another alien invasion (maybe) more likely I believe it's he's coming at S.H.E.I.L.D. in perhaps another version of the Marvel universe when does that NOT HAPPEN, and (without saying it) you all know what would set that comic universe right, by me right? As to what I had found for my desktop you know I'm a HUGE Star Trek fan and so back in the end of April I went and in my web browser typed in "Iron Man on the ENTERPRISE"and came up with several cool images but here was the one 
,that struck my fancy without a doubt. I wonder why don't ya?, no not really!