Hello mighty reader of great blog words, My reading choice over the last two months is a novel called "One Second After", now I am sure some LOST fans will find this one a mystery of sorts in how it is a whole different take of a "EMP" wait, what the sam phaser taser blaster is that a acronym for your asking huh?, it stand for Electromagnetic pulse and even though this aint about Lost a "EMP" was the explanation how the famous Oceanic airliner came to be on the island. Oh and something about pushing a certain button every hundred and eight minutes or else something would happen?, that was for all you non lost fans, as if I couldn't resist? "One Second After" was my first choice from my summer reading list entry and here is why it takes place in the state I was born in, which is why I wanted this to be the first one I devoured also it had a pretty catchy cover as you can see , it is written much like most stories that deal with the plausible end of the world scenarios such as "Fail Safe", "Testament,"On the Beach" or even the great satire comedy movies "Doctor Strangelove or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb" (one of my favorites I gotta admit it) Without giving away the plot for those who will wanna peek at it, all I will say is there are only a couple of great things that happen in such a wrenching story of great despair.
To ANY AND ALL Movie goers, Hey how many of you are a lot with family or friends, yet even by yourself go to a theater to see a movie?, the answer most likely is rarely if ever with the cost nowadays I'd highly guessing! Yet I am preparing to go see a faith based movie on Saturday and I was wondering do any you recall the entry that had this DVD in it from last October? I feel the need to call upon you my reading public to help me decide what movie of that and the two mentioned in the comment section of which I happen to have both of which are "FACING THE GIANTS" and "FIRE PROOF". I know for fact which ONE I NEED TO SEE but I know that I have tried on my own to win on MATT'S OWN and maybe I will choose that one for GOD knows of my attempts before with THAT have floundered IMMENSELY SO! Yet Maybe this one movie I'm going to see at Carmike Cinemas in Kennwick Washington may help ME find the strength in another way...... The movie I'm going to see is named "COURAGEOUS" and whatever it's message is about I'm sure it is a great one, without a doubt!
Hey wallpaper hunters, If you all can recall my post from back in early August of deleting my picture J-peg files from even further back in the early part of July third of this year, I'm sure anyone can relate?, Yet in that set of folders I also happen to of had my Halloween themed pics as well. Such as this or , and so I made a huge promise to myself to repair my scary damaged, spooky hunting, blood curling themed images for the month of October this upcoming weekend if I can't get it at least started Bloody tonight, after posting this entry! Now come that month will a daily blogger like myself play a game with you all as I did last year?, Well truly only one knows, but who is that one? you'll just have to wait and see......
Hello , Today, I gotta thank my bee,bee popping smart Alec brother for something he and his family gave me last year at Christmas time that I am now finally getting to put to use. Let's take a spin back in time if you will, to shortly after the start of the Winter solstice began on December twenty first they gave me a bobble head talking captain James T. Kirk from Star Trek the original series. Yet this is more about the what is inside the other box I have on my lap. Which turned out to be a wireless keyboard box I am seen here with . Now here is why it was worth the wait of me, Matt using it I had one mouse that came with my Dell computer itself but because of my slower than a snail form of a internet connection it has over the pass few months become useless. I know of truly only ONE OTHER REASON that IS/WAS the cause being what brought out the burst of anger that caused me to tear it apart...I'm hopefully gonna get that cause FIXED real soon I'm hoping any way....Again thank you to my brother for giving me this and also for pestering me of when was I ever gonna get around to using it over the last few months of late.
Hey this is a very special one to all Albertson's employees and shoppers, no matter what you may or may not do in your work at Albly as I have been known to call the work horse as you all know it to be a nick name I loved since sometime in the springtime of two thousand and ten. I am not sure as a shopper you noticed this but for the whole months of May through August of two thousand and eleven the company had their own take on Monopoly like Mc Donlands restaurants have had ever since the early nineteen eighties. Here is what the general public costumer's game board looked like. All I can say is I Matt felt very sadden by something for certain NOT happening over the weeks leading up to the Mid Columbia Hydro boat races and Allied Art show down at Howard Almond park in Richland, at the end of the month of July. Now please don't get me wrong, I love it when any business tries something new to entice sells, but as I was saying to me as a long time employe I truly felt something was missing and me with this hot babe here , this sure as heck doesn't answer the question anymore than me also holding a blue inflatable swordfish as to what was gone will it?, If I told you it was something to do with the two different shirts I was wearing in each of the photos above would you come to think possibly something about the fifty state in the united states known as Hawaii as the answer, then you'd be dead on right in your answer of missing the event called "Hawaiian Days" is what we as Albretson's employees missed out on over this past summer fun!
Hello there, Many of you who visit here have come to know I talk of things of both everyday type of happenstance and of course things of old times, mostly Science Fiction driven also I comment a lot on comics from time to time. In fact I wanna take you back to a time during world war II,or rather just before the mighty onslaught build up for the start of the united states shortly before entering the war on December 7th, 1941, there was a very distributing radio broadcast that as the title of this posting suggested had panic in every small city across this great nation of ours..... There is a great reason as to why this said radio program caused such chaos. Many hearing it had caught it right in the middle of the broadcast itself, which was broadcasted on October 30th, 1938. Many of the people who were listening were sure full of fear, for they heard it or rather saw it in their minds as a all too real invasion. What this unknown broadcast at the time was called many didn't know?, What it was though was "WAR OF THE WORLDS" based off of the novel written at that time forty years ago by H.G. Wells. It was preformed by someone I have brought up in the past here on the blog by the name of Orson Welles. I have two copies of this scary radio broadcast as seen here , I happen to of gotten both of them from HASTINGS in my small part of the world. What is truly unique about this small production from the Mercury Theater On The Air which was, partly owned by CBS TV/radio company had two years later had the two men associated with it most that had only their names separated in spelling by one letter meet for a brief conversation on how well, Welles had did justice to H.G.'s greatest piece of work for any form of science fiction. For "War of the Worlds" was not only about a race of aliens coming to take over the planet earth and rule it, but it was the first ever that started stuff such as "Alien Nation"or the more common thing I talk about here known as "V".
Hey out there, You know it is always hard to tell what will happen when you see a place being reestablished from a place that was one of those "Money Tree" outlets. Hey what's a "Money Tree outlet" your wondering huh?, well long story short it's a place where people make bad choices with their earnings by using a system that loops you in an you can never get back on top because of extra added fees for what you borrow to begin with, well across the street from me there use to be a similar place in the strip mall across from where I work. It was a "Lending Tree" when I first started living near the area, then it became a Codwell Banker which I think was the same type of thing at least by the looks it seemed that way to me? Now through it's a new restaurant that back in May before I left for Ecuador to visit my folks put up their signage marquee above Sub Way's and Edward's Jones over by where the Sun-Mart and Block-Buster share the same lot as Albertson's. The only problem I really saw was that they shouldn't have put up their marquee till they were ready to open, for people from all around were calling all summer long to Subway to know when this
place would bring them some competition. All that I really know is that late last night at eight, I saw that they are now officially open for business, so I without a doubt promised myself "Dear boy, you at least NEED to try it even if you don't like it give em a shot?" Now growing up I have to admit I was my mother's most adventurous child when it always came to trying something new, especially when it came to food. In fact here is what I had there earlier tonight, to say it was nice to try something other than my regular Sub Way flat bread sandwich is well a omen of truth a step towards heavenly bliss, is all I will say and it was without a doubt wroth it's weight in gold or whatever color this text is I'm writing in right now. I will be going back at least a few times, that I am sure of!
Hey there, What I am going to be sharing today has been a while in my being at this said event, so please just enjoy the entry for what it is. It has been quite a few years since I have been to the "CHRIST THE KING'S September weekend event known as Sausage Fest, which is in what I now consider "old Richland" I remember when I was a kid in elementary school I'd go with my friend Steve that I bring up here from time to time. While I was living on the East coast in Maryland I am not sure if he went or not?, yet maybe he did, when I can back from Maryland I know that I went my sophomore year with him to this fall event. So what is the Sausage Fest? your asking right? well in a nutshell it's a place mostly for kids to have fun in the community, with games of all shorts like this one ,with everyone's favorite Orange furball of feline love from daily comics known as Garfield. This year I mostly got caught watching a DVD of the newly released Star Wars which was hey just yesterday that I was talking of that. I also happen to have done something I rarely did ever before here at this event was go through the school itself that was how I happened upon the Star Wars playing in their library but I happen to catch my own webhead pal Spidey on a far wall , unsure If you can truly see it with all that bunch of a crowd there so here it is close up, see. Since they happen to serve Sausage at this I happen to forgo my sodium intake a wee bit for one of these . Also on their small little stage I got some couples doing a bit of cow dancing , , if you will. Now as to if I have been here since Heidi and Cannon have been my life the answer is yes a few years ago Heidi and her Gymnastic team lead in part by her mother were on the central stage back in two thousand six or maybe it was two thousand and seven, but yeah it has been a while since the last time that I've been here.
Hey Star Trekers, (oh, um, I mean, Star Wars fans), I can truly say I am not sure of how many of you who read this are fans of Sci Fi related stuff, but earlier this week if you are a fan of this guy or other characters George Lucas created way back in nineteen seventy four. I say that because I like you don't know when he started principal shooting for a movie that without a doubt did change how science fiction series were forever to be made. Yet with characters like C3po, Chewbba , or even the greatest made villain of all time for the genre , a certain Sith lord if you haven't guessed. Well as I was saying this thing that changed the look of those films gets yet another update, the last one was in nineteen ninety seven with the release of the first prequel known as "The Phantom Menace" the original trilogy of was put on the format known as DVD. Yet Lucas went and didn't just give us the original "ORIGINAL TRILOGY" he went and tweaked it to fit with his "NEW upcoming Trilogy' that started off with the aforementioned. Still at one point the distributor of the films 20th century fox went and at some point in two thousand and seven went sold each "ORIGINAL TRILOGY with a choice of the "NEW take or sold separately for the DIE HARD Star Wars fanatic. Today Lucas is once again release both trilogies and he happens to have the truest DIE HARD MADDER than Palpatine, when in Jedi he tries to kill a Skywalker. STAR WARS is release today on BLUE RAY. It is because most the changes Lucas has added are fine, but still ONE THING has them set towards the Darkside, if you had a friend that is a fan and has a Blue Ray player watch it and see for yourself if you want to?
"RED ALERT, RED ALERT COUNTDOWN TO SELF DESTRUCT BEGINS......." So how many of you have ever had a sip of Romulan ale, I once did even though it was totally illegal here on our planet earth at very special science fiction convention in "1994" what it was about I can't tell you just yet because that will spoil the surprise. Let me ask you do you know what very special show was started on a BIG answer to exploring the human condition over forty something years ago?, well okay I'll give you a hint of sorts: It happens to have this very future looking space traveling vessel ,wait a minute did you see it? or was that more of a blur of lines heading towards a bright glowing mass of gas in space?, I think it was? Maybe you and anyone you know should take a closer look at that blurring streak by perhaps putting on a astronaut's helmet to see it for what it is....so let's you and I together see what started on this date over forty five years ago...... why isn't that you know what's his name's starship from Gene Roddenberry's series about how did he phrase it oh yeah "A Wagon train to the stars". On September eight nineteen sixty six on NBC which was a Thursday night. Now in all of my searches about Trek's beginning on the internet I am not sure at all of when it's actual time slot was? Yet if I was to take a wild hunch of a guess I'd say it was eight in the evening!
I knew that sooner or later when I came to this date something important would pop into my mind to write about even if it would have been my own short story type of ramblings. Today seventeen years ago something very special had happen in the outskirts of a small Washington state town called Spokane, well technical in a small suburb of Spokane a place known as Cheney Washington where two very young collage students named Merri & Ken Mickleson had only a few short years earlier had decided that they wanted to spend their two lives as one. Yet today is for their daughter Portia Elizabeth Mickleson. Who today turns seventeen. Portia is the first of many to what became known as the Knot, and to me the first of thirteen nieces & nephews. I do think that Merri & Ken are showing here ,when they came to visit us when we lived at the Davison house back then that they could even take care of super powered dolls like this one of Spider-Man from the Target store in Kennewick Washington. Also I think Portia at the time agreed she kinda loved Spidey as her uncle Matt does with playing with mommy's and daddy's new baby play toy that I got for her, even though she had a sister on the way. Portia as I have mentioned before has had her trials and tribulations and each time she has proven her true strength comes from three very important things, I will try to put them in the order that I think that she love them in 1, Her faith in GOD, 2, Her loving family both far and near to her always, 3, Her friends and mostly love growing into the young lady that she is turning into. Portia joined this blog as you know with the posting of "Colors of the days of the week" and commented on it as well that well you can see what she wrote for yourselves if you wish, as far as I can recall when she was little I think she mostly loved Purple so that's why I am writing in her favorite kid color. Earlier I was showing photo of Portia as a infant but here is one I almost forgot about from when she was about two and got paste in her hair (sorry Portia but it's true you did have that happen) yet you can see the image isn't one of true embarrassment it with her being held by her grandma or "Mimi's", which grandma is known as father Ben Powers with uncle Matt in there for good measure as well. I guess what I'm trying to say is Happy Birthday, Portia your always on my mind as is the rest of the Mickleson knot is a lot times, but today is yours so enjoy all that you do special one!
Hello movie fans, Yesterday I did something I rarely ever do, in a way that surprised me as much as it would most anyone in some way or other?, Your all asking yourselves what is Matt referring to right, well here is what I did I double dog dared myself to watch a movie I had NEVER EVER seen before. Yet here the answer comes from while at work all last week I saw we had a copy of "DARKMAN"on BlueRay on sale for ten dollars and I knew I had always wanted to see it since it was Sam Raimi the guy who directed all three Spider-Man movies first true big budgeted feature film. "DARKMAN" is a film about a guy named Peyton Westlake who is trying to figure out a way to using synthetic skin to hold together more than ninety eight minutes, when a gang led by Robert G. Durant while looking for incriminating evidence against them destroys Westlake's lab with him still inside. He is used as a victim of burns to be reintegrated into society after test are to be used to give him a human appearance again at the local hospital, while his lady friend Julie thinks he is dead, he escapes from the hospital to try and rebuild his work in a makeshift lab to hopefully know use his take on the synthetic skin to get vengeance on those who took everything he had. Only throughout the course of the film do you realize he is both like Batman and the Joker combined, he in the end does end up like the classic character in the Phantom of the Opera by being a disfigured hero who only wants love but can't have it so he becomes a anti type hero like both Batman and Spawn known as DARKMAN. DARKMAN stars Liam Nesson better known more recently as Qui -Gon Jinn to Star Wars fans. The other film I had happen to see was later in the evening called "FOOTLOOSE" whom anyone born in the eighties or shortly after knows that this was a great starter film for stars such as Sara Jessica Parker whom is known for the HBO series "Sex in the City" and then possibly actor Sean Penn's brother Chris Penn, Lori Singer, yet most notably Kevin Beacon who played Ren McCormick who comes with his mom from Chicago Illinois to Beaumont Oklahoma. This movie came out a year after the then third installment of Star Wars known as "Return of the Jedi" in nineteen eighty four, this was also the time when music television more commonly known as Mtv. What was neat about "FOOTLOOSE" was it's a movie that put a soundtrack out before it's screening by the millions by the title of the movie track alone. I even remember having a audio cassette from as far back as ninety eighty five and had seen the movie at least five if not six times when it first came out on VHS that same year. I had also had a whole other copy of it on DVD before moving to where I live now. What I find very ingenuous about "FOOTLOOSE" is that in a big way it is about a town like a lot of American small towns where a simple thing isn't allowed, in the movie's case it's Public playing of music of any kind and Public dancing in which Ren has the help of the town's minster (played by John Lithgow) daughter to get the law revoked so that the teenagers can have their senior prom. Over the years since this movie was made I have heard that the law has been reinstated in that very town of Oklahoma. Now one question I have is why can't a kid just be that a kid for aren't they already learning way to much now to be ready for real life in the world everyday why should we as parents take away that freedom to be wondrous from them to early?, Why?
Hey Webspoters, So let's see where we left off at the end of the last Spidey newspaper arc which was the second and this one being penned about must be number three?, Righto you are there and in the end of the faithful tale where Peter's alter ego Spidey fought this guy , better know as Doc Ock! You will recall they were fighting over a very special museum Chinese exhibit known as the Dragon Idol of Kiangkow when if it wasn't returned it would have started WW III....well Spidey did get it back in one piece, yet he almost had it fall into the water under the Queensboro bridge in the end of that arc. So where do we pick up next right..... with a very neat first for sure, that is right I had happen to have my first grander at these newspaper stories with this very arc. Like everything else Spider-Man related, I fell madly in love with it all over with this take on the web head, in May of "77" I still remember the famous strip seen here, I'm not sure if I knew who the other characters were at that time of when I saw this in Columbus Herald, I think that was the name of the local paper in Columbus Georgia at the time ( anyone from Columbus can and please do correct me if I am wrong here). All I knew was that the guy with the split face looked cool and it had something to do with that Snake looking character.... In this story was the only time for the most part where Stan came up with a scary foe for ol web head that wasn't part of any known part of Marvel related created characters. It also was the first newspaper arc to feature more of Parker's regular comic book cast (outside of Mary Jane and Aunt May who are the two main ones outside of the cast from the Daily Bulge), they were his collage pals Harry Osborn, and Flash Thompson. Whilst walking through the park with Mary Jane and her sweet talking him into it, Parker agrees to snapping pictures of her to help her get more notice as a model, as he is doing this the Snake like character known as the Rattler is trying to procure something from Curits Chemicals. The Rattler consumes the something he stole and stealthy starts following Peter and MJ around after they run into Flash and Harry till he finds all of them ,at Parker's pad. Flash being Mr. high and mighty tries attacking the Rattler as he bust into the place only to be along with everyone else including Parker affected by Rattler's power, the Rattler then gets what he came for in the first place Peter's film role! Why would he want that your guessing, huh?, Peter suits up as you know who and goes after Ratty. Only to be more inflicted by his strange power, and get his role of film back. After seeing the rest of the gang off at his place Peter develops all the roll and uses a enlarger he sees a shadowed figure sneaking into a place called REPTILE WORLD. Whomever the Rattler truly is seems to be trying to cure himself of his affection, whatever it maybe? Peter goes to REPTILE WORLD to see if he can ask the owner if he knows of the Rattler. The next we know Parker is tied up as the Rattler prisoner in the shop. It seems the Rattler was a man who devenomized snakes named Bingham who one day wasn't so careful with one snake in piratical which nearly killed him unless....yet he knew of a serum that may kill him or let him live. The Rattler gives Parker a slithering mess of friends to deal with while he is determine to remain a reptile forever. In the end Spidey destroys Rattler hopes by breaking the vile the serum is in and Bingham dies as a man not a monster...., which leaves Parker to wonder about his own powers is he forever cursed or not.....
Boy what a catchy title huh?,
Well see it has so happen that as I was last talking to my friend Chan from Maryland I kept hearing this very strange chipping noise on my land line home phone on Wednesday in the early afternoon, well after he called me back an chatted for a minute more or two I decided to see what was wrong with the phone itself. I took off the back of the phone top see if the problem was the charger or the batteries I came to the conclusion it was the batteries for when I place it back on the charger it was still doing the darn bleeping noise, so what I did was pull out the phone jack going into the charger but kept the phone on it so now it was just a flashing red light bleeping with no irritating sound. So I had made a plan that today after my early bible study Men's breakfast I would make it MY JOB to get a new rechargeable phone from either Target, Best Buy or Wal-Mart. If your thinking I went to Target your well how can I say it Bulls eye wrong for sure, I also thought Best Buy would be too pricy for what I was wanting but their is more on something from BB at the end of this post along with should I dare say a very early clue to my September desktop which as you all know will be revealed well look at the last couple of pages back for that answer! Well any way I did end up going to "Wally World"now can anyone tell me before Wal-Mart other name which movie had a theme park named that? Right now I happen to be listening to the CD of the Christian band known as KUTLESS, if your a fan of the radio station K-Love I'm sure you know who I'm referring to, if not here is a big clue as to who they are do you recall last year I had a post about "What Does a song mean to you?", well in that post I was sharing how musicians talk about the experiences in life by songs. At the start of that post I was talking about how everyone or anybody can relate to putting things in their own life's right or where ever you wish. I can say the song that I was talking about at the start is by KUTLESS it's name is "What Faith can do" it's on this album that I got today at Wal-Mart but it's not in this image seen here
,it is called "It Is Well". I also happen to be yet again still be looking for the second season of the new V series while there as well for like I said a day or two ago I wasn't able to find it at the places I was looking. Still I wanted to get both that unseen series of the TRANSFORMERS series that I had mention that same day and the end of that series that I remember watching after "STAR BLAZERS" in the early parts of 1980 known as EMERGENCY! which both were at Best Buy. I finished my day with a small mini blizzard meal from DQ.
Hey All, Well here we are at the start of yet another month as the title of the post says but, not just any month either. It is the ninth month of two thousand and elven A.D. (now for those of you wanting or wishing to know what that Acronym means I don't know except the most common one we related to the bible.... which is AFTER DEATH, which is revealed as life after Jesus), it could means anything nowadays though who like I said before really knows it can be endless for sure as truly any acronym is in today's everyday world. Yet I have have had a lot of good things happen today for me and a couple deserve a written page of there own which they will get. One thing I can say is from a few days ago I have now sorted all of my messed up daily Spider-Man comic strips to at least yesterday's date of August thirty first from all the way back from January first of two thousand and nine.I have just remembered I have to go back to Crawlspace and get two strips from all that time, one will be super easy to find but the other I'm not sure where it is and it is dated October 26, 2009, I do believe that Brad Douglas who runs the website was too excited on that said day because his little girl Ava was born, it is still puzzling is all that I 'm getting at? For you see I on August 29th went to try get the end of August dated strips for this year and decided see if he had gone back reentered it recently only to find out he still hadn't yet, so in the comment section of August 27th strip I wrote " Hey Brad, just recently I was resetting these daily strips on my own computer when I came across something very interesting. The entry for October 26,2009 in the sandman storyline is missing, here is the thing I find so funny I went and posted on the day's before entry and still nearly two years later I can find that it IS STILL NOT THERE?, So I guess all that I'm asking is are you holding back on us as Marvel is about the Parker marriage but instead it's just ONE LESS DAILY STRIP in 2009 just wondering is all?" But truly I know that eventually he will remember at some given time I think, especially if die hard fans such as myself visit his site daily anyhoo... Now before I reveal what this strange but yet cool background plate here at the site is I will share with you what I happen to of had for last month I call this Gravity of light from my sci_fi,star series folder. Here it is
at last from one of the sub folders called Scifi 2 which is within the sci_fi, star series main folder itself, I had happen to of found it once last year while looking for Star Blazers/Argo wallpaper images. I think it could of also have been around the time I came up last year in August with that probing eye post you know the one I mean?, Unfortunately even though I happen to be pretty witty about coming up with new names for images I think I will put a challenge out to all of you give me the name of the wallpaper as you think it should be and at the end of this year I'll let you know if I love it by including it in the last entry for 2011!